The truth is, the best of us deserve wrath and Hell. The only reason that we are still drawing breath is that He is good, kind, and that He’s rich in mercy. Job knew this. Bible commentator Matthew Henry said of him:
“The devil tempts his own children, and draws them to sin, and afterwards torments, when he has brought them to ruin; but this child of God he tormented with affliction, and then tempted to make a bad use of his affliction. He provoked Job to curse God. The disease was very grievous. If at any time we are tried with sore and grievous distempers, let us not think ourselves dealt with otherwise than as God sometimes deals with the best of his saints and servants. Job humbled himself under the mighty hand of God, and brought his mind to his condition. His wife was spared to him, to be a troubler and tempter to him. Satan still endeavors to draw men from God, as he did our first parents, by suggesting hard thoughts of Him, than which nothing is more false. But Job resisted and overcame the temptation.”
Tragedy struck the hardest of blows to poor Job. He had lost his servants, his wealth, and he had lost his beloved children, despite the fact that he had so diligently sanctified them, such was his love and concern for their happiness. Now they were gone.
Continued Monday...
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