If you have never been born again (see John chapter 3) you are a natural man or woman. You therefore have a few intellectual problems that make you gasp a little when it comes to the subject of God and the supernatural. Let me ask you some questions to see if I can pin-point it for you. What was in the beginning? What produced this huge, incredible natural world in which we live? If you say it was the “big bang,” then where did the materials come from to make the big bang? If the Big Bang was the product, who or what was the producer?
Sound travels in waves as does light and heat, but unlike light and heat, sound moves by making molecules vibrate. So, for sound to travel anywhere there must be molecules for it to travel. Sound travels on earth to our ears by vibrating air molecules, but there are no molecules in space. Therefore there was no bang in space, because there are no molecules to vibrate. So if the Big Bang happened, it was more of a Big Silence. So what was it the caused this Big Silence to explode? You can’t say that it caused itself, because to do so it would have had to pre-exist itself to cause itself to explode. If it pre-existed itself, then it wasn’t the beginning, because it already existed. It’s not only scientifically impossible for something to create itself, it’s common sense.
The only rational explanation is that something immaterial, eternal, and unspeakably powerful created this world. It had to be something supernatural. So you are forced to fall back on a belief in the supernatural, and you are therefore saying that the impossible happened--something supernatural created everything, from nothing. That’s a belief in something that’s much bigger than a mere belief in flying pigs. So, if the supernatural had a hand in making birds, flower, trees, fruit, horses, cows, elephants, milk, cheese, eggs and butter, it’s only natural to believe in the supernatural as portrayed to us in the Bible.
Chapter one of Job necessitates the supernatural. Whoever penned its 42 chapters was either supernaturally lifted into Heaven to witness and record the dialogue between God and Satan and then Job and his three friends, or it was supernaturally given to him by divine revelation.
Continued tomorrow...
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