Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Putting Facebook in it's proper place

“…whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.”
Philippians 4:8 NASB

Facebook itself is not an evil thing. But if it is not put in its proper place, it can quickly become an unhealthy addiction in your life - robbing precious time, distracting you from Christ, and putting your mind on the things of this world.

The biggest danger of Facebook is how quickly it can eat away your time. You sit down at your laptop to send a quick message, and then three hours later you are still lost within the endless network of cyber-socializing. And what were you doing in those three hours? If you are honest, you may find that very little of it had any eternal value whatsoever. Those were three hours that could have been used for far better things, such as prayer, studying God’s Word, journaling His work in your life, or serving someone in need. But there is no room for those edifying activities when our best hours are spent on meaningless, trivial things.

The fact that Facebook may have a few redeeming qualities doesn’t warrant allowing it to take up all our time. Remember - it’s not our time anyway, but God’s. And if Jesus wouldn’t spend His time cyber-socializing, why should we?

If time on Facebook has become an unhealthy addiction in your life (meaning you can’t imagine letting it go), prayerfully ask God for the grace to walk away, at least for a season, until He truly has first place in your heart and your best hours are being spent on Him. Recruit an accountability partner if necessary. Remember, nothing is worth jeopardizing your relationship with the Lord who died to save You, and no offering is too extreme when laid at His feet out of a heart of love and devotion to Him!

-Leslie Ludy

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