Live as a victor not a victim. For those who are in Christ have victory over the world, the flesh, and the devil. Proclaim the victory you have through Him that loves us! How often do we know that God's grace has called us from out of the prison cell we are in and the blood of Jesus Christ was spilled for our freedom, but we praise God from within the prison cell and never bother to check the door to our prison cell to realize that we are captives no more. The door to our prison cell is unlock! His blood was shed for more than just forgiveness. Forgiveness was just the avenue to which He could make the escape for us. So, we need to ask ourselves, are we going to step out and claim victory, liberty, and freedom that we now have in Jesus Christ? Or are we content with staying in that cell, like some kind of victim of circumstance and never fully experiencing all the love and freedom that God has given us? There is a line from the movie "The Scorpion King" in which two characters say to each other, "Live free, die well". If you are living like a free man in Christ, you know in all reality, you'll die well because the things you do to further the Kingdom will forever stand!
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