Had Jehova's witness knock on my door this morning. Nice guys, gave me some hand outs and began telling me how I can inherit the Kingdom of Jehova by praying and studying my bible. And how Jesus and the Angel 'Michael' was the same person. So I asked them 'I have a knife in my back and only three minutes to live. How do I get saved and go to Heaven?' They both look at each other for a moment and o...ne of them said, "well you study the word and apologize to lord Jehova". I replied by saying, "I don't have time to study the word I now have only two and a half minutes to live. And me just saying 'sorry' to the judge isn't going to dismiss my case." The second gentlemen decided to try to answer, but never once said anything about trusting in Jesus Christ, about how he died on the cross, but told me that Jehovah leaves a window of opportunity open to me shortly after I die to come to Jehovah. They also told me about how Satan rules the earth, but his time is limited because Jesus/Angel Michael, is coming again to get rid of Satan and rule this world with the select 144,000 to rule with him? I shared how I witness and they gave me some stuff to read, so in return I asked if i could give them both something (a gospel tract and a copy of 180 movie), but they both refused and said they will be back next week. What a divine encounter! Glory to God!! Way to start the day!!!
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