In a two-hour video chat titled "Home School Abuse by Creationists," the atheist members talk about their opposition to Ham's planned speech at the Texas Home School Coalition Convention on Aug. 1–3.
"Every pastor, Christian leader, homeschooler, teenager, Christian parent, and, in fact, all Christians need to see this video chat featuring a number of very intolerant atheists (and some are hateful and angry)," the creationist writes about the video, which he breaks down into separate parts in his blog post to address the various criticism thrown at him.
"As you watch, you will notice that these atheists are very self-centered, arrogant, and self-righteous. In essence, they are acting as little gods (just as was recorded with the temptation in Genesis 3). They are so focused on themselves – and that what they believe is above question, and biblical Christians are totally wrong," Ham adds.
In the video conference, the atheist users express their agitation that Ham and creationism will be given a platform at the Christian conference, and talk about meeting to decide how to protest his engagement. The conference, organized by the Texas Home School Coalition, says that its mission is to "serve and inform the homeschool community and promote home education in Texas."
Young Earth Creationism, which Ham supports, upholds a literal interpretation of the Bible which says that the earth is less than 10,000 years old and that God created life in its present form in six 24-hour days.
In a recent BioLogos poll, a slight majority, or 54 percent of U.S. Protestant pastors, said they support YEC.
A competing theory among Christians is that of Theistic Evolution – that God used a natural process like evolution to create new species, and that the planet is billions of years old. While only 18 percent of U.S. Protestant pastors supported TE in the BioLogos poll, 32 percent of American adults said they agree with it in a separate Gallup survey. Forty-six percent of adults said they believe God created humans in their present form.
In his blog post, Ham wrote that he believes this backlash is coming at a time when the American political climate is fostering increasing attacks on traditional Christianity.
"Atheists have become much more aggressive against Christians, particularly this year," the creationist said. "Consider controversies surrounding the IRS debacle in regard to some groups that are theologically conservative, the pushing of the homosexual agenda, etc. Anything that smacks of biblical morality or the Christian worldview is being aggressively attacked, even in the private arena."
In his conclusion, Ham again urged Christians everywhere to watch the video of what he says is "increasing intolerance and aggressiveness of many atheists against biblical Christianity."
"We have reached a point in America where a minority view like atheism is shaping how decisions are made in the culture, and America continues to move farther to the secular end of the spectrum. The minority is essentially dictating for the majority," Ham warned.
By Stoyan Zaimov , Christian Post Reporter
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