Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5 KJV)
Doesn't the world tell us the opposite, "doubt the Word of God and have faith in yourself". How many self help programs and books do we need!?! If you have your best life now and you have all the material things you want, then why go to heaven!?! Why need God, you got everything you want without ...Him and if you don't have it, don't bother seeking Him, you can do it yourself! But if something traumatic comes along, you're so quick to quote the second half of that verse. Why? BECAUSE GOD IS NOT MENTIONED IN IT! So therefore it becomes a self medicating statement. You're not relying on the one who created you, you are looking to your idol of self and your desire for that throne in your life. It's called idolatry and it's the oldest sin in the Bible. And that same Bible says that all idolaters will not inherit the kingdom of heaven. Get your heart right with God today! Transfer that trust of self to the Savior, Jesus Christ our Lord.
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