"Joy in the Bible is the means by which we are sustained in suffering...and joy is that for which suffering is preparing us." John Piper
"For the Christian, joy is not the absence of suffering and adversity, but the nearness of God in our adversity." Bob Deffinbaugh
Don't rejoice because demons are subject to you, but because your name is written in heaven. If you make heaven you source of rejoicing, then no one can take your joy from you! If you belong to Christ, then your name is written in the Lamb's book of life and let no one steal your crown!
1 Peter 4:13 but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christs sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
"It's not a lie until you get caught."
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He can use Anyone
For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
–Philippians 1:21
Helen Keller, who is a classic example of handling life’s handicaps, said, “I thank God for my handicaps, for through them I have found myself, my work, and my God.” Some people with handicaps drown themselves in self-pity, and thus limit their usefulness and service to mankind and to God. The Apostle Paul knew the pangs of suffering. He used his infirmity rather than allowing his infirmity to use him, and he used it for the glory of God. He seized everything, even death, to glorify his Lord. No matter which way fate turned, he was one jump ahead of it, and using it to magnify his Savior.
Even my handicaps can be used by You, Lord Jesus. Like the Apostle Paul, let me rise above them for Your glory.
–Philippians 1:21
Helen Keller, who is a classic example of handling life’s handicaps, said, “I thank God for my handicaps, for through them I have found myself, my work, and my God.” Some people with handicaps drown themselves in self-pity, and thus limit their usefulness and service to mankind and to God. The Apostle Paul knew the pangs of suffering. He used his infirmity rather than allowing his infirmity to use him, and he used it for the glory of God. He seized everything, even death, to glorify his Lord. No matter which way fate turned, he was one jump ahead of it, and using it to magnify his Savior.
Even my handicaps can be used by You, Lord Jesus. Like the Apostle Paul, let me rise above them for Your glory.
Monday, January 30, 2012
You are using scare tactics talking about hell and judgement day
In the late 1980s, TV commercials in the U.S. asked, “What goes through the mind of a driver who is not wearing a seat belt in a head-on collision?” Then they showed a crash dummy having its head crushed by a steering wheel in a collision, and said, “The steering wheel!” Those were scare tactics, but no one complained because they were legitimate scare tactics. We should fear what happens in a head-on collision if we are foolish enough to not put on a seat belt.
Fear itself is not a bad thing. Fear stops us from stepping off a 500-foot cliff. It keeps us away from fire. It holds us back from sticking a fork into a live power outlet. These types of fear are self-preserving, but the ultimate self-preserving fear is the fear of the Lord. That fear is called “the beginning of wisdom,” and because of it, the Bible says men “depart from sin.”
To warn of hell is fearful, but it is absolutely legitimate, because the Bible says that it is a fearful thing for a sinner to fall into the hands of the living God.
Hebrews 10:31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
Fear itself is not a bad thing. Fear stops us from stepping off a 500-foot cliff. It keeps us away from fire. It holds us back from sticking a fork into a live power outlet. These types of fear are self-preserving, but the ultimate self-preserving fear is the fear of the Lord. That fear is called “the beginning of wisdom,” and because of it, the Bible says men “depart from sin.”
To warn of hell is fearful, but it is absolutely legitimate, because the Bible says that it is a fearful thing for a sinner to fall into the hands of the living God.
Hebrews 10:31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
Iraq: Growing Pains as we don't know them

I don’t know about you, but I got away with a lot during my teenage years. Reckless adventure, a deep passion to experience novel things and emotions, the drive to create and to be different, and a good dosage of foolishness made for a good start in transitioning from childhood into adulthood. And I am grateful that no one tried to fast forward that transition. During those years I had some around me whose adolescence was speckled with dark things, but none were quite as different as the youth I was exposed to this summer: Iraqi teenagers, no longer children, not quite adults, juggling childlike dreams and adult responsibility, torn between the desire to stay young and irresponsible and the fierce determination to be an adult and provide for their families.
In my opinion, the Iraqi teenagers temporarily settled in Lebanon have it the hardest. They live in a limbo within a limbo. They are suspended somewhere between childhood and adulthood, unable to grow up so quickly yet aware that childhood no longer bears their identity. In addition, they are caught between what was and what is yet to come as bureaucratic organizations process their asylum application in what is often a long-drawn-out manner. With the invasion, and the violence and uprising that followed, to graduate from high school into college became a luxury in Iraq. As family businesses were targeted, jobs lost, and life became more expensive, families could no longer support further education, especially their sons’. Besides, attending school was becoming dangerous as school buses were being blown up and children kidnapped outside schools. And so many teenage sons had to pick up jobs, usually with the American army, the one sustainable entity in Iraq throughout the war. Girls, on the other hand, were safer at home.
With the move to Lebanon, the grass did not get any greener. With little savings, if any, higher rent, and a higher cost of living, Iraqi families could not afford to have their teenagers at home. This time, however, the context is even more complex. Iraqi refugees enter Lebanon legally. They fly in, get a month-long visa, and are allowed to enter the country without any questions. The Lebanese authorities know that arriving Iraqis are not tourists, but they let them in nonetheless, ever so aware of the consequences. Upon arrival the Iraqis register as refugees with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, only to become officially illegal a month later. Lebanon is not a signatory of the Refugee Convention and so authorities have little regard to Iraqis’ refugee status.
What makes the context complex is that although their presence is not concealed, no one seeks them out, allowing for the Iraqis to gain a sense of false freedom. Iraqis know that any work they do is illegal and strictly seen as so with harsh repercussions, but as many get away they believe that they can too. Ironically, Lebanon’s economy is booming and so Iraqis look for work, find it, and take it. Lacking any and all rights, their wages are pitiful and days worked are long and hard. Teenagers are in demand, their strength favored over that of adults. Most of the families I met are being sustained by their teenagers, not only sons but also daughters. And so they take the risk and choose to take up work to sustain their families. Then one faithful day they come across a street patrol, are asked for their documents, are unable to provide them, and are arrested and imprisoned, indefinitely unless they are willing to be deported back to Iraq.
I met a father whose two teenage sons, 14 and 17 years old, had been imprisoned. When he opened his empty fridge to offer us some cold tap water, I knew that it was out of need that his sons had looked for work. As he talked of how hard it has been for them to be locked up amongst criminals, my translator whispered that many amongst them are abused, often frail and alienated in dark, filthy, and overcrowded cells. This was sadly confirmed by Hani, a young Iraqi who had been imprisoned for five months until he agreed to be deported. Soon after his deportation, Hani returned to Lebanon and when we visited with him he was willing to share about time spent in Lebanon’s largest prison. He talked of his cell being so dark that he could never tell whether it was day or night. He said that he was brought out into the sunlight once a week for an hour and before he knew it he spiraled into depression and started to harm himself just to feel something. Hani still suffers from breathing problems and other health issues, which he blames on the filthy food and water that was served in prison. He shared how he is now terrified of being caught again but has no choice but to leave for work every single morning.
Having had many conversations with other Iraqi youth, some resettled in El Cajon, San Diego, and others in Lebanon, I know the dreams they have to start life anew. Their life was hijacked at its best by a war that tore their innocence apart and demanded that they grow up, fast. Yet, they dream big, unwavering as they face many challenges, adjustments, and unknowns. Their hopeful determination is what drives them to bravely face the risk of imprisonment, believing that their courage will win the day. Their teenage spirit is not easily consumed by fear but I do wonder whether it is valiant enough to stand against the evil that roams the prison cells. I know mine would have been gravely bullied by it, but perhaps you’d stand to differ.
The following pictures were taken in Zaaytrieh and Sed el Bouchrieh, two neighborhoods in the suburbs of Beirut that host many Iraqi refugees.

Story by Nathalie Borg Seale | Photos by Joshua Seale.
Come home! ( Paul Washer )
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Use your Time Wisely
For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.
–James 4:14
Nothing takes God by surprise. Everything is moving according to a plan; and God wants you in that plan. The devil also has a plan for the world. God has a plan and the devil has a plan, and you will have to decide which plan you are going to fit into. Scripture says that God allows us 70 years and some beyond. The first 15 are spent in childhood and early adolescence. Twenty years are spent in bed; and in the last five, physical limitations start to curtail our activities. That gives us about 30 years in which to live as adults. We take time out for eating, and for figuring our taxes, and we are down to perhaps 15 years. Now suppose we spend seven of those years watching television. That cuts us down to seven or eight years. Our time is short! The time we can invest for God, in creative things, in reaching our fellowmen for Christ, is short!
Each hour of every day that is left of this earthly life, I would spend serving You, Lord Jesus. Forgive the time spent so often in needless endeavor.
–James 4:14
Nothing takes God by surprise. Everything is moving according to a plan; and God wants you in that plan. The devil also has a plan for the world. God has a plan and the devil has a plan, and you will have to decide which plan you are going to fit into. Scripture says that God allows us 70 years and some beyond. The first 15 are spent in childhood and early adolescence. Twenty years are spent in bed; and in the last five, physical limitations start to curtail our activities. That gives us about 30 years in which to live as adults. We take time out for eating, and for figuring our taxes, and we are down to perhaps 15 years. Now suppose we spend seven of those years watching television. That cuts us down to seven or eight years. Our time is short! The time we can invest for God, in creative things, in reaching our fellowmen for Christ, is short!
Each hour of every day that is left of this earthly life, I would spend serving You, Lord Jesus. Forgive the time spent so often in needless endeavor.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Share what He has done
I will declare thy name unto my brethren . . .
–Psalm 22:22
There are those near you in your own community who need the regenerating power of Christ. You can call them by name. I suggest that you make a list and begin by spending time in prayer for them. Ask God to show you how to witness to them and how to win them. Their lives can be transformed by the message you give them. You are to share this Gospel you have received. If Christ has done anything for you, then share it. In so doing, you are showing mercy! As you have received the mercy of God by the forgiveness of sin and the promise of eternal life—thus you are to show mercy! And in showing mercy you will not only receive mercy but you will find a stimulating happiness!
As I close my eyes in prayer, let me see the faces of those who need to know You, beloved Savior.
–Psalm 22:22
There are those near you in your own community who need the regenerating power of Christ. You can call them by name. I suggest that you make a list and begin by spending time in prayer for them. Ask God to show you how to witness to them and how to win them. Their lives can be transformed by the message you give them. You are to share this Gospel you have received. If Christ has done anything for you, then share it. In so doing, you are showing mercy! As you have received the mercy of God by the forgiveness of sin and the promise of eternal life—thus you are to show mercy! And in showing mercy you will not only receive mercy but you will find a stimulating happiness!
As I close my eyes in prayer, let me see the faces of those who need to know You, beloved Savior.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Courageous Movie Event.MOV
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Why did God give us sexual desire (lust) if it is bad?
There is a difference between lust and sexual desire. God did give us sexual desire and it is not a bad thing. In fact it is a good thing. How else would we be attracted to a prospective spouse, and why would we even procreate if there was no “desire”?
So what is the difference between sexual attraction and lust? One dictionary says that “lust” is “uncontrolled or illicit sexual desire or appetite; lecherousness.” Or to put it another way, lust is pornography of the mind.
How then do we know the difference between “looking” and lusting? The answer is to listen to your God-given conscience. It will tell you...if you have a mind to listen. There is nothing wrong with simply seeing someone and having the automatic thought that she is attractive. But that is different from then formulating sexual thoughts about that person to lust for her. In case you are having trouble hearing from your conscience, here is another clue to help you: How would you feel if your spouse were doing that behavior? Would you mind it if she was entertaining lustful thoughts for other men, having sexual fantasies about someone other than you? We often have a hard time seeing wrong behavior in ourselves, but have no trouble seeing it in others.
So God cannot be blamed for “setting us up to fail.” To believe that would be like a criminal saying to a judge, “Judge, I raped that woman, but it really isn’t my fault. God made me with sexual desire so it’s His fault.” If that will not hold water in a court of law, it is not going to be a valid defense on Judgment Day.
2 Samuel 13:1 After this Absalom the son of David had a lovely sister, whose name was Tamar; and Amnon the son of David loved her.2 Amnon was so distressed over his sister Tamar that he became sick; for she was a virgin. And it was improper for Amnon to do anything to her.
So what is the difference between sexual attraction and lust? One dictionary says that “lust” is “uncontrolled or illicit sexual desire or appetite; lecherousness.” Or to put it another way, lust is pornography of the mind.
How then do we know the difference between “looking” and lusting? The answer is to listen to your God-given conscience. It will tell you...if you have a mind to listen. There is nothing wrong with simply seeing someone and having the automatic thought that she is attractive. But that is different from then formulating sexual thoughts about that person to lust for her. In case you are having trouble hearing from your conscience, here is another clue to help you: How would you feel if your spouse were doing that behavior? Would you mind it if she was entertaining lustful thoughts for other men, having sexual fantasies about someone other than you? We often have a hard time seeing wrong behavior in ourselves, but have no trouble seeing it in others.
So God cannot be blamed for “setting us up to fail.” To believe that would be like a criminal saying to a judge, “Judge, I raped that woman, but it really isn’t my fault. God made me with sexual desire so it’s His fault.” If that will not hold water in a court of law, it is not going to be a valid defense on Judgment Day.
2 Samuel 13:1 After this Absalom the son of David had a lovely sister, whose name was Tamar; and Amnon the son of David loved her.2 Amnon was so distressed over his sister Tamar that he became sick; for she was a virgin. And it was improper for Amnon to do anything to her.
The Lost Art of Street Preacing
You may have a particular view on street-preaching (for purposes here, street preaching and open air preaching are synonymous). This could be from a street preacher that you heard or from a YouTube video that you watched, or just the seemingly “weird” people that do it. I want to propose today that this art of public open-air preaching is an important way the gospel of Jesus Christ can effectively be proclaimed to the lost in our culture.
I propose nine reasons why street-preaching should be considered as a valid way to present the gospel of Jesus Christ.
1. It presents the gospel to people who may not otherwise step foot into a church.
Many people in our day and age refuse to step foot in a church. This may result from a myriad of reasons. But one undeniable benefit of open-air preaching is that instead of waiting for the people to come into the church, the preacher goes out to the lost. Thus, those people who may not enter into a church building can hear the gospel proclaimed to them in an area or setting in which they gather. Rightly did Spurgeon remark regarding preachers of the gospel: “traders go to the markets, they follow their customers and go out after business if it will not come to them; and so must we.”
2. It allows the preacher to obey the most frequent command regarding the manner in which the gospel is presented.
One only needs to read through the Scriptures (both OT and NT) to find the clear emphasis on the bold, public, and even at times “in-the-moment” proclamation of God’s truth. A concept that very frequently arises is the command given and pattern exemplified in the act of preaching the Gospel and proclaiming the truth of salvation (cf. Acts 26; 2 Tim 4:2; Luke 14:23; cp. Neh 8).
3. It follows the historical pattern of pastors open air preaching.
Beginning with Noah who was a preacher of righteousness (2 Pet 2:5), to Ezra (Neh 8:1-4), to Jeremiah (Jer 7:2; 19:2), Ezekiel (Ezek 11:off), other prophets (cf. Jonah 3:2-4), John the Baptist (Matt 3:1-2), our Lord Jesus Christ (Matt 5-7, et al.), Paul (Acts 26), Peter (Acts 5:17ff), and hundreds through Church history, an unbroken pattern of open-air preaching can be observed. For instance, in the 18th century, Gideon Ouseley, heralded God’s truth in the open-air in the country of Ireland. Ouseley first preached in a church-yard, at a funeral, and after this point, he preached in the streets and church-yards, at fairs and markets, at wakes and funerals, wherever in fact he could find a congregation assembled. He would ride on his horse from county to county preaching and exhorting wherever and whenever he could.
Even Spurgeon provided a list of eleven qualifications for open-air preachers: (1) a good voice, (2) naturalness of manner, (3) self-possession, (4) a good knowledge of Scripture and of common things, (5) ability to adapt himself to any congregation, (6) good illustrative powers, (7) zeal, prudence, and common sense, (8) a large, loving heart, (9) sincere belief in all he says, (10) entire dependence on the Holy Spirit for success, (11) a close walk with God by prayer, and (12) a consistent walk before men by a holy life.
4. It plainly understands the command of our Lord to “go into the highways and the country roads” and compel sinners to come.
In Luke 14:23, Jesus commanded His disciples to go out into the highways and the country roads (or, hedges) and compel sinners to come in so that His house may be full. Open-air preachers take this verse and read it at face value and have no need to spiritualize or take this text figuratively. O how important it is to go out to where the sinners are, gather, commune, party, and live so that the biblical gospel is presented to them in a winsome and compelling way so that they may repent of their sin and believe in Christ.
5. It trusts wholly that God’s Word will never return void.
Every time the preacher heralds God’s truth, he recognizes that God’s truth never returns void. It especially is the case when the open-air preacher takes God’s Word and delivers it to the passers-by that an unshakable trust in God’s promise that His Word will never return empty but it will always accomplish what God sovereignly ordains.
6. It encourages believers to go out together as a team and it mutually stirs others to more fervent and urgent evangelism.
Open-air preaching can provide a great opportunity to take other believers from a local church to gather and hand out tracts and to approach people who have listened to the preaching of the Gospel and engage in further conversation. It can be an effective way of openly proclaiming the Word and deliberately engaging people in personal conversation about their own heart and soul before a sovereign Judge.
7. It convicts Christian passers-by who are not sharing their faith to consider evangelizing with greater zeal.
Oftentimes, the open-air preacher will hear from Christians who walk by and say something along the lines of: “I wish I could do what you’re doing,” or “I could never do that!” but this allows the preacher a great opportunity to challenge those passers-by to be diligent, vigilant, and urgent in their own gospel-proclamation in the life-setting in which God has placed them. By the preacher’s urgency and intensity, he reproves other Christians who wonder if God may ever put them up to such a daunting task of evangelizing in public! The open air preacher must, from beginning to end, be an intense man and preach with urgency, intensity, and bulldog tenacity. And, it could be argued, he could shepherd other Christians to do the same in their evangelism.
8. It always glorifies God because His Word is being proclaimed.
When a man of God proclaims the Word of God that salvation is found in the one true God, Jesus Christ, and in His righteousness received by faith alone, God is always glorified. He can be glorified in the drawing of sinners to repentance or He can be glorified in the hardening of sinners further toward judgment. God’s Word that is faithfully proclaimed always glorifies God even if the outward results are nonexistent.
9. It depends wholly on the sovereign Work of the Holy Spirit to quicken dead hearts to new life as sinners hear the word preached.
Preaching by definition takes the divine message and preaches that message of new life to dead sinners who cannot, in and of themselves, listen to, hear, and respond to new life. They simply can’t believe by their own freewill. The open-air preacher heralds God’s truth anywhere and everywhere depending wholly on the sovereign work of God the Holy Spirit to awaken spiritually dead souls and impart spiritually new life into the sinner’s soul. This is the divine act of regeneration. God can do it from the pulpit in a church. And God can perform this sovereign act on a streetcorner in a public square.
A concluding thought comes poignantly from Spurgeon:
“No sort of defence [sic] is needed for preaching out of doors; but it would need very potent arguments to prove that a man had done his duty who has never preached beyond the walls of his meeting-house.”
I propose nine reasons why street-preaching should be considered as a valid way to present the gospel of Jesus Christ.
1. It presents the gospel to people who may not otherwise step foot into a church.
Many people in our day and age refuse to step foot in a church. This may result from a myriad of reasons. But one undeniable benefit of open-air preaching is that instead of waiting for the people to come into the church, the preacher goes out to the lost. Thus, those people who may not enter into a church building can hear the gospel proclaimed to them in an area or setting in which they gather. Rightly did Spurgeon remark regarding preachers of the gospel: “traders go to the markets, they follow their customers and go out after business if it will not come to them; and so must we.”
2. It allows the preacher to obey the most frequent command regarding the manner in which the gospel is presented.
One only needs to read through the Scriptures (both OT and NT) to find the clear emphasis on the bold, public, and even at times “in-the-moment” proclamation of God’s truth. A concept that very frequently arises is the command given and pattern exemplified in the act of preaching the Gospel and proclaiming the truth of salvation (cf. Acts 26; 2 Tim 4:2; Luke 14:23; cp. Neh 8).
3. It follows the historical pattern of pastors open air preaching.
Beginning with Noah who was a preacher of righteousness (2 Pet 2:5), to Ezra (Neh 8:1-4), to Jeremiah (Jer 7:2; 19:2), Ezekiel (Ezek 11:off), other prophets (cf. Jonah 3:2-4), John the Baptist (Matt 3:1-2), our Lord Jesus Christ (Matt 5-7, et al.), Paul (Acts 26), Peter (Acts 5:17ff), and hundreds through Church history, an unbroken pattern of open-air preaching can be observed. For instance, in the 18th century, Gideon Ouseley, heralded God’s truth in the open-air in the country of Ireland. Ouseley first preached in a church-yard, at a funeral, and after this point, he preached in the streets and church-yards, at fairs and markets, at wakes and funerals, wherever in fact he could find a congregation assembled. He would ride on his horse from county to county preaching and exhorting wherever and whenever he could.
Even Spurgeon provided a list of eleven qualifications for open-air preachers: (1) a good voice, (2) naturalness of manner, (3) self-possession, (4) a good knowledge of Scripture and of common things, (5) ability to adapt himself to any congregation, (6) good illustrative powers, (7) zeal, prudence, and common sense, (8) a large, loving heart, (9) sincere belief in all he says, (10) entire dependence on the Holy Spirit for success, (11) a close walk with God by prayer, and (12) a consistent walk before men by a holy life.
4. It plainly understands the command of our Lord to “go into the highways and the country roads” and compel sinners to come.
In Luke 14:23, Jesus commanded His disciples to go out into the highways and the country roads (or, hedges) and compel sinners to come in so that His house may be full. Open-air preachers take this verse and read it at face value and have no need to spiritualize or take this text figuratively. O how important it is to go out to where the sinners are, gather, commune, party, and live so that the biblical gospel is presented to them in a winsome and compelling way so that they may repent of their sin and believe in Christ.
5. It trusts wholly that God’s Word will never return void.
Every time the preacher heralds God’s truth, he recognizes that God’s truth never returns void. It especially is the case when the open-air preacher takes God’s Word and delivers it to the passers-by that an unshakable trust in God’s promise that His Word will never return empty but it will always accomplish what God sovereignly ordains.
6. It encourages believers to go out together as a team and it mutually stirs others to more fervent and urgent evangelism.
Open-air preaching can provide a great opportunity to take other believers from a local church to gather and hand out tracts and to approach people who have listened to the preaching of the Gospel and engage in further conversation. It can be an effective way of openly proclaiming the Word and deliberately engaging people in personal conversation about their own heart and soul before a sovereign Judge.
7. It convicts Christian passers-by who are not sharing their faith to consider evangelizing with greater zeal.
Oftentimes, the open-air preacher will hear from Christians who walk by and say something along the lines of: “I wish I could do what you’re doing,” or “I could never do that!” but this allows the preacher a great opportunity to challenge those passers-by to be diligent, vigilant, and urgent in their own gospel-proclamation in the life-setting in which God has placed them. By the preacher’s urgency and intensity, he reproves other Christians who wonder if God may ever put them up to such a daunting task of evangelizing in public! The open air preacher must, from beginning to end, be an intense man and preach with urgency, intensity, and bulldog tenacity. And, it could be argued, he could shepherd other Christians to do the same in their evangelism.
8. It always glorifies God because His Word is being proclaimed.
When a man of God proclaims the Word of God that salvation is found in the one true God, Jesus Christ, and in His righteousness received by faith alone, God is always glorified. He can be glorified in the drawing of sinners to repentance or He can be glorified in the hardening of sinners further toward judgment. God’s Word that is faithfully proclaimed always glorifies God even if the outward results are nonexistent.
9. It depends wholly on the sovereign Work of the Holy Spirit to quicken dead hearts to new life as sinners hear the word preached.
Preaching by definition takes the divine message and preaches that message of new life to dead sinners who cannot, in and of themselves, listen to, hear, and respond to new life. They simply can’t believe by their own freewill. The open-air preacher heralds God’s truth anywhere and everywhere depending wholly on the sovereign work of God the Holy Spirit to awaken spiritually dead souls and impart spiritually new life into the sinner’s soul. This is the divine act of regeneration. God can do it from the pulpit in a church. And God can perform this sovereign act on a streetcorner in a public square.
A concluding thought comes poignantly from Spurgeon:
“No sort of defence [sic] is needed for preaching out of doors; but it would need very potent arguments to prove that a man had done his duty who has never preached beyond the walls of his meeting-house.”
Jesus is our Comforter
Christ is the answer to sorrow. When Harry Lauder, the great Scottish comedian, received word that his son had been killed in France, he said, “In a time like this, there are three courses open to man: He may give way to despair and become bitter. He may endeavor to drown his sorrow in drink or in a life of wickedness. Or he may turn to God.” In your sorrow, turn to God. There are thousands of people who have turned to God, but you may be still carrying your burdens. God begs of you, “Cast all your care on me, for I care for you” (1 Peter 5:7). You who must go through the valley of the shadow of death, you who must say goodbye to those whom you have loved, you who suffer privation and misery, you who are unjustly persecuted for righteousness’ sake—take heart, take courage. Our Christ is more than adequate for sorrow.
In sorrow, Jesus, Your comfort will take all the bitterness and longing away and give me courage to face the heartache. Your grace will console me and Your arms will support me. Thank You, dear Lord.
In sorrow, Jesus, Your comfort will take all the bitterness and longing away and give me courage to face the heartache. Your grace will console me and Your arms will support me. Thank You, dear Lord.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Pro-lifers: 'Abortion is forced on Women'
Participants in Monday's March
for Life in Washington , D.C. ,
wanted to send a message that abortion shouldn't be viewed as an option or a
freedom, but instead as something that makes women victims.
Every year,
thousands rally in the nation's capital to protest the landmark Roe v. Wade
decision that legalized abortion and to urge protection for the unborn.
author and broadcaster Teresa Tomeo told attendees that abortion is often
forced on expectant mothers.
"Over 64
percent of women who have abortions never actually chose an abortion in the
first place," she said.
Tomeo is author of the book Extreme Makeover: Women Transformed by Christ, Not Conformed to the
Culture, and believes pressure plays a clear role in the
abortion rate. She has researched abortion's effects on women.
were pressured to do that, either in an economic situation that they thought
they couldn't get out of, either by a parent, a boyfriend, a husband. They've
been told it's either you or the baby," she explained.
"I think
it's bondage because of the problems that follow it in terms of the increased
rates of depression, increased chance of drug addiction, alcohol addiction,
depression," Tomeo added. "All these things, there's research to back
all this up."
"I think
it's really dehumanizing to women because it really objectifies them,"
Spence told CBN News. "And the sad thing is it pits mothers against their
Magaly Llaguno, who directs Human Life International's
pro-life outreach to the Spanish-speaking world, said many women find they can
erase their unborn, but not the memory of them.
"And you
know the cells of the aborted baby remain in the body of the woman for some
time. They remain in her heart forever," Llaguno said.
She added
that she's counseled and cried with women who mourn for years what they did to
their unborn babies.
say], 'I know God has forgiven me, but I can't forgive myself,'" Llaguno
Sunday marked
39 years since the Roe v. Wade decision. Each year, tens of thousands of people
still come to the March for Life, hoping to prick the conscience of a nation.
Along the march route, the group Created Equal showed a graphic video of what abortion
does to the unborn.
Aubrie Drayer
works with the group and just had her own child.
three months old and when I look at her, to think that I could have chosen to
have her killed, and when I look at the images we have, it's really shocking
and horrible," Drayer said.
Christian pop singer Robert Pierre, who also
attended, has written a song called "Silent Cry" to rally the church
to fight for the unborn. The song's lyrics say, "Life is a gift, not a
choice that you make."
He compared
the anti-abortion fight to the Holocaust.
"One of
my assumptions about the Holocaust was that back in World War II, had the
Germans really known what was going on they would have stood up and said
something," Pierre
told CBN News. "But yet when you stand there, it's so blatantly obvious
that they just remained quiet."
want the nation to realize that with the physical maladies, psychological harm,
shame, guilt, and broken relationships women can experience because of
abortion, they are in fact victims.
*Make sure to check out 180movie.com for more information. Our you can watch the movie here at the bottom of the page.
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S. Dakota House Passes Academic Bible Study Bill

The South Dakota House approved a measure on Wednesday to
put an academic study of the Bible back in the state's public schools.
non-binding resolution, HCR 1004,
passed the House 55-13. The measure holds no force of law, but only encourages
school districts to add Bible courses.
Supporters say students should be aware of the
role the Bible has played in the development of literature, art, culture, and
public discourse.
Steve Hickey, R-Sioux
Falls , who is also a
pastor, told the Rapid City Journal it was important to give students the
chance to study the Bible in a "non-devotional way" because of its
cultural significance.
There is no state law that would prevent the
academic study of the Bible or other religious books in public schools.
"I think it's appropriate under this
resolution to give kids the opportunity to understand, historically, who God
is," Rep. Shawn Tornow, R-Sioux
Falls , said.
Critics say the measure promotes religious
beliefs and violates the separation of church and state.
The resolution now heads to the South Dakota
State Senate.
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Responsibility to Family
Bless me and my family forever!
–2 Samuel 7:29 (TLB)
Apart from religious influence, the family is the most important unit of society. It would be good if every home were Christian, but we know that it is not so. The family and the home can never exert their proper influence while ignoring the biblical standard. The Bible calls for discipline and a recognition of authority. If children do not learn this at home, they will go out into society without the proper attitude toward authority and law. There is always the exceptional child, but the average tells us that the child is largely what the home has made him. The only way to provide the right home for your children is to put the Lord above them, and fully instruct them in the ways of the Lord. You are responsible before God for the home you provide for them.
Father, keep me from any word or deed that might hinder a child from loving You.
–2 Samuel 7:29 (TLB)
Apart from religious influence, the family is the most important unit of society. It would be good if every home were Christian, but we know that it is not so. The family and the home can never exert their proper influence while ignoring the biblical standard. The Bible calls for discipline and a recognition of authority. If children do not learn this at home, they will go out into society without the proper attitude toward authority and law. There is always the exceptional child, but the average tells us that the child is largely what the home has made him. The only way to provide the right home for your children is to put the Lord above them, and fully instruct them in the ways of the Lord. You are responsible before God for the home you provide for them.
Father, keep me from any word or deed that might hinder a child from loving You.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
CHARGE bayonets!
"Valiant” soldiers of Christ are those who bear the shield of faith and carry the sword of the Word of God. They are able to “shoot with the bow” of God’s Law, giving the arrow of the gospel its power. This is what makes them skillful in the battle for souls. They have success, not because they trust in themselves, but because they trust in God and cry out to Him in battle. Their strength is in the Lord.
“Brethren, do something; do something, do something! While societies and unions make constitutions, let us win souls. I pray you, be men of action all of you. Get to work and quit yourselves like men. Old Suvarov’s idea of war is mine: ‘Forward and strike! No theory! Attack! Form a column! Charge bayonets! Plunge into the center of the enemy! Our one aim is to win souls; and this we are not to talk about, but do in the power of God!’” Charles Spurgeon
1 Chronicles 5:18 The sons of Reuben, the Gadites, and half the tribe of Manasseh had forty-four thousand seven hundred and sixty valiant men, men able to bear shield and sword, to shoot with the bow, and skillful in war, who went to war.19 They made war with the Hagrites, Jetur, Naphish, and Nodab.20 And they were helped against them, and the Hagrites were delivered into their hand, and all who were with them, for they cried out to God in the battle. He heeded their prayer, because they put their trust in Him.
“Brethren, do something; do something, do something! While societies and unions make constitutions, let us win souls. I pray you, be men of action all of you. Get to work and quit yourselves like men. Old Suvarov’s idea of war is mine: ‘Forward and strike! No theory! Attack! Form a column! Charge bayonets! Plunge into the center of the enemy! Our one aim is to win souls; and this we are not to talk about, but do in the power of God!’” Charles Spurgeon
1 Chronicles 5:18 The sons of Reuben, the Gadites, and half the tribe of Manasseh had forty-four thousand seven hundred and sixty valiant men, men able to bear shield and sword, to shoot with the bow, and skillful in war, who went to war.19 They made war with the Hagrites, Jetur, Naphish, and Nodab.20 And they were helped against them, and the Hagrites were delivered into their hand, and all who were with them, for they cried out to God in the battle. He heeded their prayer, because they put their trust in Him.
Is God Glorified When the Preacher Is Impressive?
How do I know if God was glorified and if He did a work in my soul through a particular message from a preacher? Well....did I come away marveling at the preacher, or marveling at God? As a result of the message, am I enthralled with the man or with the Lord? Who stands out more in my mind and in my heart? Who have I been more inspired to talk about to others.....the Lord, or the preacher?
Oswald Chambers provided these insights on the matter: "The creative power of redemption comes through the preaching of the Gospel, but never because of the personality of the preacher. Real and effective fasting by a preacher is not fasting from food, but fasting from eloquence, from impressive diction, and from everything else that might hinder the Gospel of God being presented." Chambers then states this incredibly important truth: "Anything that flatters me in my preaching of the Gospel will result in making me a traitor to Jesus, and I prevent the creative power of His redemption from doing its work."We live in a day of superstar pastors and superstar preachers. That is not to say that every pastor who preaches to large crowds is trying to impress people with his personality and his own flare. Far from it. There have been many pastors in recent years who preach to thousands of people but who are not seeking to place the spotlight on themselves. These men are excellent preachers and are simply doing what God has called and gifted them to do. They sincerely try to keep their "personal impressiveness" out of the way of what God is doing. That ability to keep the focus away from us does not come natural to us. By nature, many of us human beings enjoy the limelight and we learn over time how to perform to make it shine even brighter upon us.
Did the sermon flatter the messenger, or did it inspire the hearers to bow down before our holy God in contrition, repentance, faith, adoration, and praise? If the messenger becomes the featured "craze," the "rage" and the "novelty," then the speaker is in the way of people getting to God. He may state with passion that he "feels the anointing" during his message. He may be very charismatic in his personality. But unless the hearers are truly being fed God's Word by the Holy Spirit through a humble messenger, then it may be just a show and the messenger may be just an entertainer.Oswald Chambers provided these insights on the matter: "The creative power of redemption comes through the preaching of the Gospel, but never because of the personality of the preacher. Real and effective fasting by a preacher is not fasting from food, but fasting from eloquence, from impressive diction, and from everything else that might hinder the Gospel of God being presented." Chambers then states this incredibly important truth: "Anything that flatters me in my preaching of the Gospel will result in making me a traitor to Jesus, and I prevent the creative power of His redemption from doing its work."We live in a day of superstar pastors and superstar preachers. That is not to say that every pastor who preaches to large crowds is trying to impress people with his personality and his own flare. Far from it. There have been many pastors in recent years who preach to thousands of people but who are not seeking to place the spotlight on themselves. These men are excellent preachers and are simply doing what God has called and gifted them to do. They sincerely try to keep their "personal impressiveness" out of the way of what God is doing. That ability to keep the focus away from us does not come natural to us. By nature, many of us human beings enjoy the limelight and we learn over time how to perform to make it shine even brighter upon us.
If we want to put on a show, then we should be sure to make the focus about the man who will be speaking and emphasize that he is such a great preacher. We need to prop him up any way we can and turn him into a "celebrity preacher." We should always boast about his superior credentials, accomplishments, and speaking ability. It will become more about the remarkable man than about God's eternal Word and the life-changing message of the Gospel.
The Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Corinth, "When I came to you, brothers, I did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God. For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling. My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power, so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power." (1 Cor. 2:1-5)
Paul was not there to put on a show. God made sure the show was about Himself, and He did it through a messenger who had previously been a persecutor of Christians. Meanwhile, Paul stayed out of the way as much as possible. Paul did not use impressive speech or engage in a flamboyant manner. It wasn't about Paul, and it's not about you or me. The minute it becomes about the preacher, the anointing of the Holy Spirit stops flowing no matter how much emotion is present on the part of the preacher and the hearers. Emotional stirrings that are created by a charismatic personality are not always the result of the Holy Spirit. It is easy to be swayed by dynamic speakers, but sometimes difficult for preachers to fast from showboating and self-serving antics.
When I elevate the Scriptures with a heart that is humble before Almighty God, I am in a place where He can use His vessel to proclaim His message. The larger a congregation becomes and the more popular the preacher becomes, the harder it is to keep fasting from impressive performances. After all, some people go to church these days for more than just the Word….some of them want to be entertained by a celebrity preacher. If we give them what they want, maybe they will come back for more of the same. If the crowd is growing, surely that must be a sign that God is blessing it, right? Not always.
Some preachers choose to embrace the role of a performer. I suppose we have all been tempted to do it at times. That doesn't mean we have to keep doing it. The glory of God can shine through us if we stop trying to impress people with our manner or our personality or our eloquence. Oh they may be impressed by us, but it will not be in the right direction. It will leave a deep impression of the man, but a very small impression that actually blesses the soul and draws a person closer to God.
In the end, it is certainly not wrong for a preacher to have a large following. We should rejoice anytime people are coming to hear God's Word being preached faithfully to the glory of God. Many faithful men of God have been used to reach untold thousands for Christ and His kingdom. We will get to enjoy fellowship with these believers in heaven. Until then, the challenge remains the same for all preachers: Point people to Jesus and not to our personalities or our impressive speech.
Did Oswald Chamber have his finger on the pulse of this issue? If so, then let's take his words to heart: "Anything that flatters me in my preaching of the Gospel will result in making me a traitor to Jesus, and I prevent the creative power of His redemption from doing its work." I suppose Americans will always be tempted to gush over their celebrities, even in the church. If only earth were like heaven, where the only celebrity we will gush over is God.
By Dan Delzell
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Georgia Pastors Get Up-Close Look at Israel's Peril

More than 35 Georgia pastors recently visited Israel on a trip led by Christians United for Israel (CUFI).
During the weeklong trip, the group visited a host of religious and historic sites including the Western Wall, Yad Vashem, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, and the Shrine of the Book, which houses the Dead Sea Scrolls).
The pastors had an opportunity to study the Bible with renowned Rabbi Daniel Sperber in Jerusalem’s Old City, take part in a meeting with the Jerusalem Post’s Palestinian Affairs Correspondent Khaled Abu Toameh, and visit an Israeli military base on the Lebanese-Israeli border. During the visit to the border, the group hand delivered more than 20,000 letters of support from CUFI activists to Israeli soldiers guarding the Jewish State’s borders.
According to the trip’s leader, CUFI’s Atlanta-based associate director Shari Dollinger, standing with Israel is a moral imperative.
“From Palestinian terror to the Iranian nuclear weapons program, Israel faces great dangers, but in spite of the adversity they face, Israel’s people are steadfastly committed to building and protecting their small Jewish and democratic nation,” Dollinger says. “As Americans committed to seeing human and civil rights protected around the globe, it is incumbent upon us to stand with the people of Israel.”
The trip had a profound impact on the group, with many participants describing their time in Israel as life-changing.
One participant, Dave Divine, lead pastor at Douglasville’s The Church at Chapelhill, described Israel as “a beautiful land; a warm, inviting and misunderstood people; a nation facing extreme security issues; a place that brings the Bible to life.”
Another participant, Tony Elrod, lead pastor at Gainesville’s Northside Church, noted, “Traveling to Israel’s borders and seeing that they are truly surrounded by their enemy has helped me to have a greater awareness of the Jewish people and the situation in which they live.”'
Andy King, pastor of Christ Chapel in Warner Robins, has continued communicating with an Israeli shopkeeper he met while walking through Jerusalem. During an exchange of emails between the two, King expressed just how deeply moved he was by his conversation with the Israeli merchant.
“Your kindness, patience, knowledge, and open heart and mind communicated hope to this pastor,” he wrote. “I came to Israel neutral and relatively indifferent to the daily challenges and the plight of modern day Israel. I left a friend of Israel who hopes to turn the heart of my congregation toward a love for Jerusalem, Israel and her people.”
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Egypt Muslims Burn Christian Homes and Attack Church

A Muslim mob attacked Copts today in the Upper Egyptian village of Rahmaniya-Kebly, Nag Hammadi, Qena province, destroying and torching their homes, straw huts and shops, while chanting Allahu Akbar. No one was reported killed or injured (video).
According to reports, security forces were present but did not intervene and the fire brigade arrived 90 minutes late.
An eye-witness said that a straw hut belonging to a Copt was torched to clear the area for a mosque. There are more than 300 mosques in the village and one church.
According to Coptic residents, the reason behind the violence was the parliamentary elections. The Salafists wanted to prevent Copts, who number more than 50% of the inhabitants (20,000), from voting because they intended to vote for two moderate Muslims and not the Salafi candidates. “No Copt from Rahmaniya-Kebly was able to vote today, so the Salafists will win the elections,” said a witness. Copts were forcefully prevented from voting.
US-based WAY TV, which covered live today’s Rahmaniya attacks, called commander Osama, head of security at Rahmaniya, who said “everything was OK” — despite live pictures on TV of the burning homes. Joseph Nasralla of WAY TV spoke to security and made them aware that the videos of the fires were being broadcast in the U.S. and Middle East, which caused the immediate dispatch of security vehicles. By late evening the violence had stopped.
In another incident today, a large number of Salafis and members of the Muslim Brotherhood entered the Abu Makka church, in Bahteem, Shubra-el-Khayma, Qaliubia province, and informed the congregation that the church has no licence and no one should pray in it. One Muslim said the 1300 square meter church would be suitable for a mosque and a hospital.
Bishop Marcus of Shubra el Khayma was scheduled to inaugurate the incomplete church and celebrate the Epiphany mass in the evening. According to Coptic witnesses the Bishop cancelled the festivities, which angered the congregation, who were not informed of the reason. A witness said the Muslim promised to be back tomorrow.
Written by: Vin
The video link is:
A Can of Paint

A family recently made the mistake of putting a large bucket of paint on the back seat of their car, instead of putting it in the trunk. They were then involved in an accident, spraying the inside of the vehicle and its passengers with paint. It was reported that the ambulance driver wouldn't let the female paramedic out of the ambulance because she couldn't stop laughing -- he said it wasn't professional.
Most people think that sin only affects themselves, but it often affects a whole family. When a man is caught in adultery, he not only destroys the trust of his wife, but he betrays his children, and he dishonors his name. Such was the way with King David when he lusted after his neighbor's wife, took her to himself, and then committed adultery. The two secretly tangoed, and then the sin was swept under the carpet. But the woman became pregnant and his adultery exploded like a can of paint in a car accident. He ending up taking the husband's life, taking his wife, destroying their marriage, resulting in the death of the baby, the dishonor of his name, and the downfall of his kingdom. Such is the eventual destructive nature of sin. If it doesn't get you in this life, it will get you in the next. Turn from sin (trust in the Savior), and then stay away from it.
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Plan for Suffering
We work hard and suffer much in order that people will believe it, for our hope is in the living God who died for all . . .
–1 Timothy 4:9,10 (TLB)
Our life has its beginning in suffering. Life’s span is marked by pain and tragedy, and our lives terminate with the enemy called death. The person who expects to escape the pangs of suffering and disappointment simply has no knowledge of the Bible, of history, or of life. The master musician knows that suffering precedes glory and acclaim. He knows the hours, days, and months of grueling practice and self-sacrifice that precede the one hour of perfect rendition when his mastership is applauded. The student knows that years of study, privation and self-renunciation precede the triumphant day of graduation and honors. Yes, there are clouds of suffering for each one of us, but God says, “I come to you in the thick dark cloud of suffering,” By faith you can see His blessed face in the storm. God has His plan and purpose in all suffering.
–1 Timothy 4:9,10 (TLB)
Our life has its beginning in suffering. Life’s span is marked by pain and tragedy, and our lives terminate with the enemy called death. The person who expects to escape the pangs of suffering and disappointment simply has no knowledge of the Bible, of history, or of life. The master musician knows that suffering precedes glory and acclaim. He knows the hours, days, and months of grueling practice and self-sacrifice that precede the one hour of perfect rendition when his mastership is applauded. The student knows that years of study, privation and self-renunciation precede the triumphant day of graduation and honors. Yes, there are clouds of suffering for each one of us, but God says, “I come to you in the thick dark cloud of suffering,” By faith you can see His blessed face in the storm. God has His plan and purpose in all suffering.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
How can God be omniscient if He did not know what Israel would do
God “tests” us, not for His sake, but for ours. For example, Ecc. 3:18 tells us, “God tests them, that they may see that they themselves are like animals…” In school, students are given periodic tests to show them their current progress—what they think they know but don’t, where they are wrong and need to relearn—so they can have a “course correction” before it is too late. After seeing God’s miraculous provision, both Abraham and the children of Israel were “tested” to see if they had learned the lesson that they could trust God (Gen. 22:1; Exod. 15:25). God brings tests and trials to those He loves, to cause them to mature and develop godly character. Tribulation, temptation, and persecution “establish, strengthen, and settle” the godly (see 1 Pet. 5:10). See also Psa. 66:10–12.
Judges 3:4 And they were left, that He might test Israel by them, to know whether they would obey the commandments of the Lord, which He had commanded their fathers by the hand of Moses.
Judges 3:4 And they were left, that He might test Israel by them, to know whether they would obey the commandments of the Lord, which He had commanded their fathers by the hand of Moses.
Wretched: Islamic love.
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Don't Lose Sight
. . . when they found him not, they turned back again to Jerusalem . . .
–Luke 2:45
We might as well face it, strife has even infiltrated our church life. It is true enough that the Church is now the Church militant. But, as such, its warfare ought to be that of dedication to revealed truth and divine holiness, and not intramural bickering and carnal disputes. We read in the second chapter of Luke that Joseph and Mary lost Jesus one day. Where did they lose Him? They lost Him in the most unlikely place in all the world—the Temple. I have seen many people lose Jesus right in the church. I have seen them lose Him in a dispute about who was to be choir director, who was to play the organ, who was to be an elder, or who was to be the minister. Yes, because we are human, though Christian, it is easy to lose sight of Jesus right in the temple!
Don’t let me lose sight of You, Lord, in the
complex logistics of everyday life.
–Luke 2:45
We might as well face it, strife has even infiltrated our church life. It is true enough that the Church is now the Church militant. But, as such, its warfare ought to be that of dedication to revealed truth and divine holiness, and not intramural bickering and carnal disputes. We read in the second chapter of Luke that Joseph and Mary lost Jesus one day. Where did they lose Him? They lost Him in the most unlikely place in all the world—the Temple. I have seen many people lose Jesus right in the church. I have seen them lose Him in a dispute about who was to be choir director, who was to play the organ, who was to be an elder, or who was to be the minister. Yes, because we are human, though Christian, it is easy to lose sight of Jesus right in the temple!
Don’t let me lose sight of You, Lord, in the
complex logistics of everyday life.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Plucked from the Fire

Every Christian is a “brand plucked from the fire.” We have been saved from the fire that shall never be quenched, and our commission is to pull sinners “out of the fire, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh” (Jude 23).
“Born in 1703, John Wesley was the fifteenth child, and second surviving son of Susanna and Samuel Wesley. His father was the pastor of Epworth…[When John was age five] the Wesleys’ home caught on fire in the night. All the children were removed safely from the house, but when they were counted, John was missing. A farmer from nearby spotted little John looking out of an upstairs window amid the leaping flames. Several neighbors climbed on each other’s shoulders, until the man on top was able to put his arms around the boy and pull him out of the flames to safety. Only moments after he was rescued, the entire house exploded in flames. Ever after, for the rest of his life, John Wesley referred to himself ‘as a brand plucked from the burning,’ quoting Zechariah 3:2.” Leslie F. Church, Knight of the Burning Heart: The Story of John Wesley
Zechariah 3:2 And the Lord said to Satan, The Lord rebuke you, Satan! The Lord who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you! Is this not a brand plucked from the fire?
Meeting Spiritual Needs
Go and make disciples in all the nations . . .
–Matthew 28:19 (TLB)
Christian missions is unique in the aggressive movements of history. Christianity in its pure form has no “axe to grind,” no system to foster, and no profit motivation. Its job is simply to “seek and to save that which is lost.” Nothing more, nothing less. The words “apostle” and “missionary” mean the same thing: “One who is sent.” The word apostle is from the Greek; and the word missionary is from the Latin.
The New Testament is a book of missions. The Gospels tell of Jesus’ missionary accomplishments, and the Acts tell of the missionary endeavors of the apostles. The disciples were launched into the world by the power of the resurrection, and the Gospel made its impact upon the world’s people. Peter went to Lydda, Joppa, Antioch, Babylon, and Asia Minor. John went to Samaria, Ephesus, and to the cities on the Mediterranean. Thomas journeyed to far away India. Paul, the peer of all early missionaries, used the roads Rome had built to take the Gospel through the Empire. Today the need for missions is greater than ever before! The world is shrinking in size but expanding in population. We live in a world of conflicting, confusing beliefs! We live in a world of complex problems! But, more important, we live in a world of dire spiritual need.
Father, help me to be a light in this world of darkness, ready for each opportunity to share Your love with those whose spiritual needs are great.
–Matthew 28:19 (TLB)
Christian missions is unique in the aggressive movements of history. Christianity in its pure form has no “axe to grind,” no system to foster, and no profit motivation. Its job is simply to “seek and to save that which is lost.” Nothing more, nothing less. The words “apostle” and “missionary” mean the same thing: “One who is sent.” The word apostle is from the Greek; and the word missionary is from the Latin.
The New Testament is a book of missions. The Gospels tell of Jesus’ missionary accomplishments, and the Acts tell of the missionary endeavors of the apostles. The disciples were launched into the world by the power of the resurrection, and the Gospel made its impact upon the world’s people. Peter went to Lydda, Joppa, Antioch, Babylon, and Asia Minor. John went to Samaria, Ephesus, and to the cities on the Mediterranean. Thomas journeyed to far away India. Paul, the peer of all early missionaries, used the roads Rome had built to take the Gospel through the Empire. Today the need for missions is greater than ever before! The world is shrinking in size but expanding in population. We live in a world of conflicting, confusing beliefs! We live in a world of complex problems! But, more important, we live in a world of dire spiritual need.
Father, help me to be a light in this world of darkness, ready for each opportunity to share Your love with those whose spiritual needs are great.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Conquer your fears, share your face.
Make sure to 'like' us on Facebook, and become a 'Follower' here, or sign up for email notifications on the bottom right of this page. As always, thanks for stopping by, and may God bless you!-Walking In The Way
Wait Upon the Lord
Glory in the Lord; O worshipers of God, rejoice. Search for him and for his strength, and keep on searching!
–Psalm 105:3,4 (TLB)
Jerome, one of the early Christians, said, “Ignorance of the Bible means ignorance of Christ.” Job once said, “I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food.” Jeremiah said, “Thy words were found and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart.” To read the Bible one needs a “quiet time.” Christian students often ask, “How do you maintain your spiritual high? What do you do on a daily basis?” I tell them about my “quiet time.” Some days it is in the early—sometimes late—morning, sometimes evening. Without it, my Christian life would be a wilderness. Isaiah said, “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31). So gain the strength of eagles, as the prophet suggested. Set a time each day when you can spend a few minutes alone with God. - Billy Graham
Dear Lord, teach us to wait upon You, that we may know Your strength.
–Psalm 105:3,4 (TLB)
Jerome, one of the early Christians, said, “Ignorance of the Bible means ignorance of Christ.” Job once said, “I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food.” Jeremiah said, “Thy words were found and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart.” To read the Bible one needs a “quiet time.” Christian students often ask, “How do you maintain your spiritual high? What do you do on a daily basis?” I tell them about my “quiet time.” Some days it is in the early—sometimes late—morning, sometimes evening. Without it, my Christian life would be a wilderness. Isaiah said, “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31). So gain the strength of eagles, as the prophet suggested. Set a time each day when you can spend a few minutes alone with God. - Billy Graham
Dear Lord, teach us to wait upon You, that we may know Your strength.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Of Whom the World was not Worthy
Women received back their dead by resurrection. Some were tortured, refusing to accept release, so that they might rise again to a better life. Others suffered mocking and flogging, and even chains and imprisonment. They were stoned, they were sawn in two, they were killed with the sword. They went about in skins of sheep and goats, destitute, afflicted, mistreated—-of whom the world was not worthy—wandering about in deserts and mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth. ~ Hebrews 11:35-38
I turned on my computer this morning to find the above photo and the following posts on my friend, Shawn Holes, Facebook page. Shawn is presently in Nepal to open-air preach with missionaries in the area.
Please pray. We just returned back to the house after fleeing from a mob of people that erupted at us, and nearly getting killed. I took this photo just moments before the crowd turned. Jesse was preaching the ten commandments and quoted Jn 14:6. They went crazy picking up rocks and 2x4's and hitting Jesse. Ricky jumped in and stood the gap. More details to follow. Jesse is hurt but ok. We are all safe...
Jesse and Ricky took some hard core punches, had lumber slammed against them, and rocks were thrown at us and hit us. I have no injuries. I am so proud of the men. Jesse and Ricky did not punch or hit anybody and could have at any time. Praise the Lord for His protection. If we hadn't escaped out of the park by running form the pack of people to the police station across the street it would have been a sad ending to the story. Jesse and Ricky both have injuries so they will need healing. I can't but help but believe that your prayers are giving us the courage to be protected and able to share the cross with a lost and dying world. I am still praying for a great awakening here but it will only be by God's grace...
This comment was just posted on Jesse's Facebook: Both Project Jagerna & FPGM websites have been temporarily taken down for security reasons. We are trying to figure out what to do. Jesse & Ricky were stoned and sustained multiple injuries to the head, back, legs, etc as trees were literally torn down and they were pelted with logs, water jugs, fists, feet, big rocks, poles, etc. Benches were torn apart and the pieces used to attack. Thankfully, nothing serious, we think, but too risky to go to the hospital right now. After the adrenaline has simmered, lots of pain. This thing will probably be in the papers as a riot broke out after we left and Bishnu also narrowly escaped. No personal information was given out, but their faces are on lots of cell phones and video cameras. Trying to decide whether or not to leave the country or just to got out tomorrow to another location and keep preaching. The people in that crowd were monsters, made for hell, as is this country. Jesse was simply preaching grace to the humble and law to the prideful. After the apostles were persecuted in Acts 4, they prayed for more boldness and then kept preaching boldly. Perhaps that is the answer. Please pray.
The writer of the Book of Hebrews described some of the soldiers of the Lord, from centuries past, as those "of whom the world was not worthy." Shawn Holes, and many of the open-air preachers I have come to know, respect, and love can likewise be counted among those of whom the world is not worthy.
The world is not worthy of my evangelist brethren who leave the comfort and safety of home, whether for an afternoon at a local fishing pond or to travel half-a-world away, to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The world is not worthy of my evangelist brethren who love the lost so much that they willingly face violent hatred and physical attacks from the very people they seek to save.
The world is not worthy of my evangelist brethren who love God so much that they deny themselves in authentic and tangible ways, take up their crosses and follow Jesus Christ.
The world is not worthy of my evangelist brethren who are often mocked more by Christians who do nothing to reach the lost than by the lost my brethren are trying to reach.
No, the world is not worthy of my evangelist brethren who worship the Lord in spirit and in truth as they herald the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ, in the open-air.
Got a Question
"Do we really need to prove God to anyone, or do we just preach the gospel?"
We do not have to prove to the atheist that God exists. He intuitively knows that God exists but willfully suppresses the truth (see Rom. 1:18). Every person has a God-given conscience, which is the “work of the law written in their hearts” (Rom. 2:15). Just as every sane person knows that it is wrong to lie, steal, kill, and commit adultery, he knows that if there is a moral Law, then there must be a moral Lawgiver.
In addition to the testimony of his impartial conscience, the atheist also has the testimony of creation. It declares the glory of God, His eternal power, and divine nature, so that the person who denies the voice of conscience and the voice of creation is without excuse (Psa. 19:1; Rom. 1:19–21). If he dies in his sins, he will face the wrath of a holy Creator, whether he believes in Him or not.
This is why I don’t spend too much time trying to convince anyone that there is a God. To do so is to waste time and energy. What sinners need is not to be convinced that God exists, but that sin exists and that they are in terrible danger. The only biblical way to do this is to go through the moral Law and explain that God considers lust to be adultery and hatred to be murder, etc. It is the revelation that God is holy and just, and sees the thought-life, that convinces us that we are in danger of eternal damnation. That is what sinners need to hear to send them to the cross for mercy. So never be discouraged from preaching the gospel, and don’t get sidetracked by rabbit-trail issues that don’t really matter.
Psalm 97:6 The heavens declare His righteousness, And all the peoples see His glory.
We do not have to prove to the atheist that God exists. He intuitively knows that God exists but willfully suppresses the truth (see Rom. 1:18). Every person has a God-given conscience, which is the “work of the law written in their hearts” (Rom. 2:15). Just as every sane person knows that it is wrong to lie, steal, kill, and commit adultery, he knows that if there is a moral Law, then there must be a moral Lawgiver.
In addition to the testimony of his impartial conscience, the atheist also has the testimony of creation. It declares the glory of God, His eternal power, and divine nature, so that the person who denies the voice of conscience and the voice of creation is without excuse (Psa. 19:1; Rom. 1:19–21). If he dies in his sins, he will face the wrath of a holy Creator, whether he believes in Him or not.
This is why I don’t spend too much time trying to convince anyone that there is a God. To do so is to waste time and energy. What sinners need is not to be convinced that God exists, but that sin exists and that they are in terrible danger. The only biblical way to do this is to go through the moral Law and explain that God considers lust to be adultery and hatred to be murder, etc. It is the revelation that God is holy and just, and sees the thought-life, that convinces us that we are in danger of eternal damnation. That is what sinners need to hear to send them to the cross for mercy. So never be discouraged from preaching the gospel, and don’t get sidetracked by rabbit-trail issues that don’t really matter.
Psalm 97:6 The heavens declare His righteousness, And all the peoples see His glory.
Smallest Baby
The Associate Press today reported that in Los Angeles “One of the world’s smallest surviving babies was discharged Friday from the hospital where she spent nearly five months in an incubator — but not before getting the Hollywood treatment.” This tiny person was born at 9 1/2 ounces, less than a can of soda. “Wearing a pink knit hat and wrapped in a pink princess blanket, Melinda Star Guido was greeted by a mob of television cameras and news photographers outside the Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center.” The world is celebrating the survival of the second smallest baby ever born in the U.S. But not too many are asking, “What’s wrong with this picture?” This is the age at which babies are legally killed through abortion, and yet there’s festivity and wonder that this child survived. That’s like the Nazi’s celebrating because a Jew survived the horror of their concentration camp. The only reason this baby wasn’t torn limb from limb while in the womb, was because her mother wanted her to live. Had she seen her as an inconvenience, a mere signing of a form, and Melinda would have been tossed in the trash, and not cradled in an incubator. Please, help us to change hearts and minds about the horror of legalized abortion. Watch the 180movie at the bottom of this site or check out 180movie.com.
Angels around Us
But the angel of the Lord by night opened the prison doors, and brought them forth . . .
–Acts 5:19
Demonic activity and Satan worship are on the increase in all parts of the world. The devil is at work more than at any other time. The Bible says that because he realizes his time is short, Satan’s activity will increase. But his evil activities are countered for the people of God by His ministering spirits, the holy ones of the angelic order. Christians should never fail to sense the operation of angelic glory. It forever eclipses the world of demonic powers, as the sun does a candle’s light. If you are a believer, expect powerful angels to accompany you in your life experiences. And let those events dramatically illustrate the friendly presence of “the holy ones” as Daniel calls them. Certainly, the eye of faith sees many evidences of the supernatural display of God’s power and glory. God is still in business.
When I am tempted by Satan, I will remember Your angels are around me, Lord.
–Acts 5:19
Demonic activity and Satan worship are on the increase in all parts of the world. The devil is at work more than at any other time. The Bible says that because he realizes his time is short, Satan’s activity will increase. But his evil activities are countered for the people of God by His ministering spirits, the holy ones of the angelic order. Christians should never fail to sense the operation of angelic glory. It forever eclipses the world of demonic powers, as the sun does a candle’s light. If you are a believer, expect powerful angels to accompany you in your life experiences. And let those events dramatically illustrate the friendly presence of “the holy ones” as Daniel calls them. Certainly, the eye of faith sees many evidences of the supernatural display of God’s power and glory. God is still in business.
When I am tempted by Satan, I will remember Your angels are around me, Lord.
Wretched: Proof!
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Saturday, January 21, 2012
Favor from Chemos
Matthew Henry said, “…he took his own son, his eldest son, that was to succeed him, than whom nothing could be more dear to himself and his people, and offered him for a burnt-offering upon the wall, 2 Kings 3:27. He designed by this, (1.) To obtain the favour of Chemosh his god, which, being a devil, delighted in blood and murder, and the destruction of mankind.” Skeptics often say, “What sort of father would kill his own son? And yet that’s what God did to Jesus!” However, although Jesus is called the Son of God, and the Father refers to Him as His Son, there is far more to this than meets the unregenerate eye. The Bible tells us that God was in Christ, reconciling Himself to the world (see 2 Cor. 5:19). God was manifest in human form; He created a body and filled that body as a hand fills a glove (see 1 Tim. 3:16; Col. 1:15–20). So it was not a matter of an aloof God punishing an innocent person for the sin of the world, but rather, He took the sin of the world upon Himself, in Christ.
2 Kings 3:27 Then he took his eldest son who would have reigned in his place, and offered him as a burnt offering upon the wall; and there was great indignation against Israel. So they departed from him and returned to their own land.
2 Kings 3:27 Then he took his eldest son who would have reigned in his place, and offered him as a burnt offering upon the wall; and there was great indignation against Israel. So they departed from him and returned to their own land.
Victory over Death
O death, where is thy sting? . . .
–1 Corinthians 15:55
Death is the most democratic experience in life for we all participate in it. We think of its happening only to other people. We don’t like to grow old and we don’t like to die. The Bible teaches that death is an enemy of man and God. But it also teaches that this enemy, death, will ultimately be destroyed forever; that in fact it has already been defeated at the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Death, for a Christian, brings permanent freedom from evil. It also means the believer will be like Jesus. We shall be like Christ in love. So much of self is involved in what we do here; but one day, in Christ, we will have perfect love. What a glorious time it will be when we get to heaven!
Jesus, Your victory over death comforts my heart and fills me with hope.
–1 Corinthians 15:55
Death is the most democratic experience in life for we all participate in it. We think of its happening only to other people. We don’t like to grow old and we don’t like to die. The Bible teaches that death is an enemy of man and God. But it also teaches that this enemy, death, will ultimately be destroyed forever; that in fact it has already been defeated at the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Death, for a Christian, brings permanent freedom from evil. It also means the believer will be like Jesus. We shall be like Christ in love. So much of self is involved in what we do here; but one day, in Christ, we will have perfect love. What a glorious time it will be when we get to heaven!
Jesus, Your victory over death comforts my heart and fills me with hope.
Friday, January 20, 2012

This was David (1 Kings 1:1), the strong and agile youth who ran toward Goliath. The only difference between the young and the elderly is time. If you have the strength and vitality of youth, don’t waste them by spending them on yourself. Invest them in the Kingdom of God. In a church service years ago an elderly man trembled with age as he looked at the congregation, and with all earnestness said, “When I was a young man I gave myself to sport!” He added that it was a waste of time, and pleaded with those who were young to serve the Lord. Listen to such wisdom. Pray, “Teach me to number my days, that I may gain a heart of wisdom,” and realize that the wisest thing you can do with your life is to seek and save what is lost. He who wins souls is wise.
1 Kings 1:1 Now King David was old, advanced in years; and they put covers on him, but he could not get warm.
The Dew of Heaven
One of the greatest falsehoods perpetuated from modern pulpits has that sin isn’t pleasurable, or that you can’t find happiness without Jesus. Those who preach such things either don’t know their Bibles or they are living in a cave; a very dark cave. The Scriptures tell us that in these days, people will be lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God (see 2 Timothy 3:4). Moses chose to suffer with the people of God rather than enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season (see Hebrews 11:25). Sin can make you happy; very happy. Jeremiah lamented, “Why are they all so happy who deal treacherously” (Jeremiah 12:1). Lying can make people happy. So can theft. Adultery has made many people very happy. They had their cake and ate it. Pornography makes millions happy every day. If it doesn’t, why is the industry deliriously successful? They belt out movies as if there is no eternity. Even in a bad economy they make big money, and their customers are so pleased with what they see, like a drunken alcoholic, they come back for more. But those who love God deny themselves sinful pleasures, not to gain merit-points but because they are forgiven by the grace of God. The dew of Heaven has revealed the spider-web of sin, and they know better than to become entangled in that which promises death and certain damnation.
- Ray Comfort
- Ray Comfort
Resist the Devil
A young woman named Kelsie once told me, “I feel like I’m getting body-slammed by God and now I am beaten-down and covered with bruises.” Kelsie might have been getting body-slammed, but it wasn’t God’s doing. Look at what Scripture says God is:
He is my Portion (Psalm 73:26), my Maker, my Husband (Isaiah 54:5), my Well-beloved (Song of Solomon 1:13), my Savior (2 Peter 3:18), my Hope (1 Timothy 1:1), my Brother (Mark 3:35), my Helper (Hebrews 13:6), my Physician (Jeremiah 8:22), my Healer (Luke 9:11), my Refiner (Malachi 3:3), my Purifier (Malachi 3:3), my Lord, my Master (John 13:13), my Servant (Luke 12:37), my Example (John 13:15), my Teacher (John 3:2), my Shepherd (Psalm 23:1), my Keeper (John 17:12), my Feeder (Ezekiel 34:23), my Leader (Isaiah 40:11), my Restorer (Psalm 23:3), my Resting-place (Jeremiah 50:6), my Meat (John 6:55), my Passover (1 Corinthians 5:7), my Peace (Ephesians 2:14), my Wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:30), my Righteousness (1 Corinthians 1:30), my Sanctification (1 Corinthians 1:30), my Redemption (1 Corinthians 1:30), and my All in All (Colossians 3:11).
Most of us don’t allow Him to be all of those things to us. In fact, many of us see Christ as the opposite of a gentle, loving, merciful Shepherd who is faithful to meet our every need.
Kelsie’s statement doesn’t seem to fit with what the Bible describes Jesus to be. Our King doesn’t show violence toward His children or leave them full of bruises. He is goodness and love personified. If we are being spiritually body-slammed, we can be assured that it is not coming from the Prince of Peace, but from the prince of darkness. All too often when the enemy attacks us with darkness and confusion, we assume that our Lord is causing or allowing it. But in reality we are attributing something to God that is completely contrary to His nature.
by: Leslie Ludy
If anyone fiercely assails you it will not be from Me (Isaiah 54:15 NASB)
The Real You
For he knoweth our frame . . .
–Psalm 103:14
It is significant that our first astronauts, while being trained for their moon flights, were required to give twenty answers to the query, “Who are you?” Take the same test yourself. When you have made your list and run out of things to add, ask yourself if you have truly answered. Do you really know who you are? Scientists agree that our desperate search leads all humans to seek heroes and to imitate others, to “paste bits and pieces of other people on ourselves.” We play golf in the style of Jack Nicklaus. We try to dance like our favorite artists. Part of this process is natural, for we learn by imitating others. The tragedy is that the person we assemble is not genuine. “Who am I?” you cry as you roam the world looking for yourself. Consider this: there are three of you. There is the person you think you are. There is the person others think you are. There is the person God knows you are and can be through Christ.
Lord, help me to break through the façade and know myself as You do.
–Psalm 103:14
It is significant that our first astronauts, while being trained for their moon flights, were required to give twenty answers to the query, “Who are you?” Take the same test yourself. When you have made your list and run out of things to add, ask yourself if you have truly answered. Do you really know who you are? Scientists agree that our desperate search leads all humans to seek heroes and to imitate others, to “paste bits and pieces of other people on ourselves.” We play golf in the style of Jack Nicklaus. We try to dance like our favorite artists. Part of this process is natural, for we learn by imitating others. The tragedy is that the person we assemble is not genuine. “Who am I?” you cry as you roam the world looking for yourself. Consider this: there are three of you. There is the person you think you are. There is the person others think you are. There is the person God knows you are and can be through Christ.
Lord, help me to break through the façade and know myself as You do.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Will to Live
It is wise for anyone to see that life without Jesus Christ is empty futility. Without Him our lives are being poured out like water onto dry sand. It is good to help the ungodly see this by reminding them that death is waiting for them, and that it is just a matter of time until they are taken into eternity. Never underestimate the power of an unsaved person’s will to live. Such reasoning can often find a willing ear. How wonderful that, although sin banished the Adamic race from God’s presence, He made a way for sinners to be reconciled to Him through the cross: “God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself” (2 Cor. 5:19).
2 Samuel 14:14 For we will surely die and become like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again. Yet God does not take away a life; but He devises means, so that His banished ones are not expelled from Him.
2 Samuel 14:14 For we will surely die and become like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again. Yet God does not take away a life; but He devises means, so that His banished ones are not expelled from Him.
Virtues of a Firefighter

Imagine that you are sound asleep in bed, and unbeknown to you, your house is on fire. There's a fire station next door. What virtues would you like the firefighters to have? Wouldn't you want them to have alertness, strength, training, courage, diligence, and concern for others? Do you and I possess those necessary strengths? Are we concerned for others? Are we sober, alert, and diligent? Are we horrified at the thought of any human being ending up in Hell? Are we strengthening ourselves through prayer and faith in Jesus Christ? Are we diligently training to reach out to the lost? If we don't study the subject and learn how to speak to the unsaved, we won't be ready when God gives us an opportunity, and it may never come again. There goes another minute. Gone forever. Go share your faith while you still have time.
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The Joy of Knowing
Happy is he . . . whose hope is in the Lord his God.
–Psalm 146:5
Happy is the man who has learned the secret of coming to God in daily prayer. Fifteen minutes alone with God every morning before you start the day can change circumstances and remove mountains! But all of this happiness and all of these unlimited benefits which flow from the storehouse of heaven are contingent upon our relationship to God. Absolute dependency and absolute yieldedness are the conditions of being His child. Only His children are entitled to receive those things that lend themselves to happiness; and in order to be His child, there must be the surrender of the will to Him. Man does not come to know God through works—he comes to know God by faith, through grace. You cannot work your way toward happiness and heaven, you cannot moralize your way, you cannot reform your way, you cannot buy your way. It comes as a gift of God through Christ.
Thank You, heavenly Father, for the gift of joy which comes from knowing Your Son, Jesus Christ.
–Psalm 146:5
Happy is the man who has learned the secret of coming to God in daily prayer. Fifteen minutes alone with God every morning before you start the day can change circumstances and remove mountains! But all of this happiness and all of these unlimited benefits which flow from the storehouse of heaven are contingent upon our relationship to God. Absolute dependency and absolute yieldedness are the conditions of being His child. Only His children are entitled to receive those things that lend themselves to happiness; and in order to be His child, there must be the surrender of the will to Him. Man does not come to know God through works—he comes to know God by faith, through grace. You cannot work your way toward happiness and heaven, you cannot moralize your way, you cannot reform your way, you cannot buy your way. It comes as a gift of God through Christ.
Thank You, heavenly Father, for the gift of joy which comes from knowing Your Son, Jesus Christ.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Storing Up
How frightening it would be if God treated this wicked world according to its sins! He is presently storing up His wrath, because He is rich in mercy and is not willing that any perish (see Rom. 2:5; John 3:36; 2 Pet. 3:9). But the day will come when He will be revealed in flaming fire to take vengeance (see 2 Thess. 1:7,8). Knowing that it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God, we must persuade men to run to the shelter of the cross.
“If sinners will be damned, at least let them leap to hell over our bodies. And if they perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unprayed for.” Charles Spurgeon
Jeremiah 30:15 Why do you cry about your affliction? Your sorrow isincurable. Because of the multitude of your iniquities, Because your sins have increased, I have done these things to you.
“If sinners will be damned, at least let them leap to hell over our bodies. And if they perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unprayed for.” Charles Spurgeon
Jeremiah 30:15 Why do you cry about your affliction? Your sorrow isincurable. Because of the multitude of your iniquities, Because your sins have increased, I have done these things to you.
Eyes to See
To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light . . .
–Acts 26:18
The blind man, Bartimaeus, threw off his cloak and ran trembling to Jesus. And Jesus said, “What do you want me to do for you?” He said, “Lord, that I may receive my sight.” In that moment as he said, “Lord,” his spiritual eyes were opened. And Jesus said, “Your faith has made you whole.” Notice—not your intellectual understanding, not your money, not your works—but your faith. Faith! That’s all it takes! Immediately Bartimaeus, who had been blind all of his life, began to open his eyes, and the first thing he saw was the face of Jesus. What an experience—to open one’s eyes and look straight into the strong, tender face of Jesus! Bartimaeus met Jesus and the record says he “followed Jesus in the way.” When you go back to your business, or your home, or your neighborhood, or your friends, or your school, you don’t go alone. Christ goes with you.
Thank You, Lord Jesus, for healing me from my spiritual blindness!
–Acts 26:18
The blind man, Bartimaeus, threw off his cloak and ran trembling to Jesus. And Jesus said, “What do you want me to do for you?” He said, “Lord, that I may receive my sight.” In that moment as he said, “Lord,” his spiritual eyes were opened. And Jesus said, “Your faith has made you whole.” Notice—not your intellectual understanding, not your money, not your works—but your faith. Faith! That’s all it takes! Immediately Bartimaeus, who had been blind all of his life, began to open his eyes, and the first thing he saw was the face of Jesus. What an experience—to open one’s eyes and look straight into the strong, tender face of Jesus! Bartimaeus met Jesus and the record says he “followed Jesus in the way.” When you go back to your business, or your home, or your neighborhood, or your friends, or your school, you don’t go alone. Christ goes with you.
Thank You, Lord Jesus, for healing me from my spiritual blindness!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

“If any person is an honest unbeliever and sincerely wants to know God, he will come to a saving faith. Folk with whom I have dealt who say that they cannot believe are not being honest. The fact of the matter is that no man’s eyes are blindfolded unless he himself chooses to be blindfolded. If a person really wants to know God and will give up his sin and turn to Christ, God will make Himself real to him. In our day the problem is that a great many folk do not really mean business with God.” J. Vernon McGee
Jeremiah 9:6 Your dwelling place is in the midst of deceit; Through deceit they refuse to know Me, says the Lord.
Song Of Solomon Prayer as Communion by Paul Washer
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Run - Carter Conlon
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John 3:16
If you didn't see this commerical during the Broncos/Patriots game, here it is! It was so wonderful to see this on national television during prime time. We would really like to see this broadcasted during the Super Bowl amongst all the comical commericals that the game is known to have. Check out Focus on the Family to see how you can help make that happen!
Make sure to 'like' us on Facebook, and become a 'Follower' here, or sign up for email notifications on the bottom right of this page. As always, thanks for stopping by, and may God bless you!-Walking In The Way
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
–John 8:32
Ours is an age of philosophical uncertainty, and we no longer know what we believe. We stand uncommitted. Everywhere I go, I ask students, “What is controlling you?” When I was a student, I had to face Christ. Who was He? He had made the astounding claim, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me.” I wrestled with the inescapable fact that either Jesus Christ was who He claimed to be, or He was the biggest liar, fraud, and charlatan in history. Which was it? Buddha said toward the end of his life, “I am still searching for the truth.” But here was Jesus who appeared and said, “I am the embodiment of all truth. All truth is centered in me.” - Billy Graham
Thank You, Jesus, for my freedom—because You are the Truth!
–John 8:32
Ours is an age of philosophical uncertainty, and we no longer know what we believe. We stand uncommitted. Everywhere I go, I ask students, “What is controlling you?” When I was a student, I had to face Christ. Who was He? He had made the astounding claim, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me.” I wrestled with the inescapable fact that either Jesus Christ was who He claimed to be, or He was the biggest liar, fraud, and charlatan in history. Which was it? Buddha said toward the end of his life, “I am still searching for the truth.” But here was Jesus who appeared and said, “I am the embodiment of all truth. All truth is centered in me.” - Billy Graham
Thank You, Jesus, for my freedom—because You are the Truth!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Location, Location, Location

A good place for open-air preaching is anywhere people gather—beaches, parks, or waiting in line—where they’re not in a hurry. Select a place that has plenty of foot traffic, away from the noise of the street, a fountain, or machinery. It is ideal to have somewhere that will acoustically hold your voice, and where you can be slightly elevated. You shouldn’t have problems speaking in public places in the United States; it is your First Amendment right to speak on American soil.
I typically keep going back to the same area as long as people will listen to the gospel. This is because it is good for regulars to hear the gospel more than once. You will find that you can befriend these people, and some may even seek you out with questions. Another reason I stick with the same place is because of the old adage, “If it’s not broke, why fix it?” This is also true when you find an effective fishing hole for handing out tracts and witnessing.
Jeremiah 19:2 And go out to the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, which isby the entry of the Potsherd Gate; and proclaim there the words that I will tell you...
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