How do you feel when you walk into a fast food place and the dinning room to packed and there is a line to the door. Most of us would say forget it and go someplace else, but today I decided to wait. As I'm standing in line and looking around, a thought came to me, 'look how many people you could give tracts to right now'. At first I was like 'YEAH!', but then something said, 'but what if they throw you out of the place? If you tried to do that while these people are eating their lunch, they will probably call you rude or worse!' I thought, you're probably right, but as I slowly moved forward with the line, something came over me and I said a little prayer. Something like, 'God if this is something you want me to do, help me to be bold to do it'. After I got my food and paid, I walked over to the side and pulled out my tract wallet and removed every single million dollar tract I had in there and started walking around to every table and would set one on the table for every person at that table and would say something like, 'Here you go. Just passing out a few million dollars. Trying to help out with the nation debt'. No one said 'no'! Some said 'thanks', others mostly laughed. It was awesome! I walked out of there feeling so incouraged! Think about out, most of those people's mouths were filled with food so they couldn't speak back to me and I was able to do a little witnessing. Some of them probably went back to the office telling co-workers about this tall, goofy guy walking around passing out money during lunch. When I got outside I prayed for everyone I had given a tract to, that God would use that silly little piece of paper to bring just one of those people to a place of genuine repentance and that they would put their trust in Jesus Christ.
We need to be bold people! We need to beat fear with faith! We need to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and say with one voice "I AM UNASHAMED OF IT"!! He has given us a commission (yes the God of the universe that we have spat in the face of with our sinful nature wants us to work for Him!). We are to represent the very image, and name of God Almighty. We are His flock! Yes we a like fluffy little lambs, but we are fluffly little lambs with the face of the Lion of Judea! The righteous are as bold as a Lion, the Bible says. Be bold today my friends. Share your faith with someone today! A Pastor friend of my once said, ''the key to Evangelism, is to make yourself available for God to use you." Well, here I am Lord! Send me, use me, and in light of what you did at the cross for me, spend me any way you need to. Your will Abba, not my own!
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