A lot of people don't go to church because of the hypocrites that sit in the church. Even the world wants to flush Christianity down the drain because some so called Christians speak grand thoughts, but live horrible life's. May we dare not live out such a Christianity. The Bible talks about goats among the sheep, the true and the false. But don't worry, on the day of judgement God will separate them. But if that is why you don't go to church, then think about this: 'are you there to worship God and praise Him, or is it a social activity and nothing more?' Nothing should stand between you and your eternal salvation! If this is your stumbling block, make it your stepping stone. Jesus said to bless those who curse you. Pray for them! Add them to your prayer list so you'll spend more time in prayer, which means you're spending more time before the throne room of Almighty God. And isn't spending time with God to have a closer relationship with our Lord what we all should want anyway! Please think about this. Thanks for reading this. May God bless you!
-Walking in the Way
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