Many today have inherited a faith that has no real life or power. Instead of zeal there is apathy. Instead of courage there is timidity. And instead of confidence there is paralyzing doubt.
This is why the world wants to flush Christianity down the drain. We speak wonderful things, but live horrible lives. Our lack of boldness in sharing the gospel shows a lack of our faith in the power of the gospel. In the book of Acts, take a look at Stephen. He was the first to be martyred for the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Bible says as he died, he saw Jesus 'standing' at the right hand of God. 'Standing'! Stephen got a standing ovation from the Lord himself because of his boldness and faithfulness in proclaiming the gospel. Why should we not be the same? Why should we not be bold and tell people about Jesus? Why the need the Savior?! Don't be discouraged if you don't have thousands come to Christ like Peter did. One day He will say "Well done my good and faithful servant". Not "Well done my good and successful servant". I dare you to share your faith today! What's the worst that could happen, you might get yelled at? What's the worst case for those who die without Christ. Eternity in Hell! It was Charles Spurgeon who said, "If you have no desire to see others saved, then your not saved yourself. You can be sure of that." Please think about this. Thanks for stopping by.
God Bless,
Walking in the Way
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