What, then, was the purpose of the law? It was added because of transgressions until the Seed to whom the promise referred had come.Galatians 3:19
Although the law doesn't justify us, it's still useful and necessary. First, in society, it holds the lawless people in check. Second, it shows people that they are sinners guilty of death and worthy of eternal wrath.
Why does the hammer of the law smash us to pieces and crush us? Of what use is this humiliation? It shows us that the way of grace stands open to us. So the law is a servant and prepares us for grace. For God is a God of the humble, the miserable, the troubled, the oppressed, the despairing, and those who have become totally nothing. He lifts the lowly, feeds the hungry, heals the blind, comforts the miserable and troubled, justifies the sinner, raises the dead, and saves the despairing and the condemned. For he is the almighty Creator who makes everything from nothing. Most of all, he protects us from the most harmful corruption—presuming we're righteous. No one wants to be a sinner who is impure, miserable, and condemned. But everyone wants to be righteous and holy. So God uses this hammer of the law to break, crush, and annihilate this beast with its empty confidence, wisdom, righteousness, and power. As a result, it will learn through its misfortune that it is lost and condemned. When the conscience has been terrified in this way by the law, there's a place for the teaching of the gospel and of grace, which restores and comforts the conscience. This teaching says that Christ came into the world, not to break a bruised reed, not even to snuff out a smoldering wick (Isaiah 42:3), but "to preach good news to the poor. . . . bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners" (Isaiah 61:1).
This is the reply I got when I posted this: "Cool perspective on it man. Might be a bit heavy handed for some non-Christians if you lead with that, but that doesn't make it any less true. ;)"
My response was: Thanks. Yeah, it's like wow isn't that a little ruff. But like Paul said i had not known sin, but by the law. The law is a schoolmaster to lead sinners to Christ. I been told, 'dude you can't go around condemning people', but the Bible says... they are condemned already and I don't condemn I want to show people their state before a Holy God. We need to be light and salt. Why candy coat it. People need to know that there are ten great cannons pointing at them, that God's wrath abides on them. We try not to offend others by saying, "don't worry all have sinned," but if we add water to the medicine, we could rob it of it's curing properties. Too much of the church tries to reflect the world to draw people, but we as the body of Christ need to stand up and say there is a right and wrong. We should be less worried about offending sinners and reach to them knowing they face eternity in Hell. I want to take this message to the church and tell the bride of Christ not to ask the world if it looks appealing, but ask Jesus. There is some kind of manly stuff missing. So much is about beauty and allure, but what about the straight up grit of truth. The truth is not without love. If a farmer has to put down his prize winning, but ill horse, does he do it cause he is a man and suppose to just be cold and unfeeling? No, he loves his horse and wants what is best for it and doesn't want to see it in pain. Most of the world says "that is unfeeling. You have no heart." But wasn't his motivation love? Even though it seems ruff. It seems to me that it is unfeeling to be selfish in spite of the horses pain. The law makes grace make sense. Read Jude 1:22-23.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
Hard to be still
"Be still, and know that I am God." -Psalm 46:10 Just sit back and let God be God! Oh, He is very good at being God!! Sometimes you can't just fix it. Most men (present company included) have trouble with that. We want to be the 'hero' the one our wives, but sometimes we can't fix it or it doesn't need to be 'fixed' at all. Only God has the tools for the trade. Sometimes you can't base it on a feeling. Faith dies if it is base on just a feeling. Ladies sometimes you won't be able to feel through your troubles. But God can. God is eager to do a work in and through you, just be still. Let God be God in your life.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Jeremiah is known as “the weeping prophet,” for he loved his people and his heart was grieved over their rebellion and unrepentant sin against God. But don’t be fooled into thinking that because Jeremiah wept that he was in any way weak. Jeremiah knew the Lord was with him. He knew he was called by God to serve as one of His prophets. And although Jeremiah’s was a lonely existence, filled with trials and tribulations, he was courageous, patient, and showed great physical endurance and spiritual faithfulness.
The overall theme of the Book of Jeremiah is one of judgment against infidelity. Quite literally, Jeremiah was called by God to call His people to account for their sin of spiritual adultery. The nation of Israel was an idolatrous whore in the eyes of God. But while Israel broke covenant with God, God would never break covenant with them. Oh yes, they would be punished for their sin; but God is faithful, even when His people are faithless.
By today’s man-centered evangelistic standards, Jeremiah was an utter failure in ministry. For forty years, Jeremiah cried out like a lone voice in the wilderness, like a trumpet to deaf ears, only seeing two of his brethren repent and return to God—his scribe, Baruch and an Ethiopian eunuch named Ebed-melech who served King Zedekiah. Jeremiah saw only two converts in forty years.
But Jeremiah’s prophetic, open-air ministry was anything but a failure, for he was faithful to the call of God in his life. God gave him his marching orders and he stepped out in faith. He didn’t do it to please man, but to please his great God and King. He loved God and he loved people. And he preached as though lives depended on it, because the lives of his countrymen were weighing in the balance. So, the next time someone asks you for results—the next time someone asks you how effective you are when you hand out gospel tracts, or when you engage strangers in spiritual conversation, or when (if this applies to you) you herald the gospel on the streets—simply tell them that you are as successful as Jeremiah. For salvation is of the Lord and not a result of the efforts of man. And any effort to proclaim the gospel to the lost, so long as it is done biblically, is a successful effort, regardless of the response of the hearer.
The overall theme of the Book of Jeremiah is one of judgment against infidelity. Quite literally, Jeremiah was called by God to call His people to account for their sin of spiritual adultery. The nation of Israel was an idolatrous whore in the eyes of God. But while Israel broke covenant with God, God would never break covenant with them. Oh yes, they would be punished for their sin; but God is faithful, even when His people are faithless.
By today’s man-centered evangelistic standards, Jeremiah was an utter failure in ministry. For forty years, Jeremiah cried out like a lone voice in the wilderness, like a trumpet to deaf ears, only seeing two of his brethren repent and return to God—his scribe, Baruch and an Ethiopian eunuch named Ebed-melech who served King Zedekiah. Jeremiah saw only two converts in forty years.
But Jeremiah’s prophetic, open-air ministry was anything but a failure, for he was faithful to the call of God in his life. God gave him his marching orders and he stepped out in faith. He didn’t do it to please man, but to please his great God and King. He loved God and he loved people. And he preached as though lives depended on it, because the lives of his countrymen were weighing in the balance. So, the next time someone asks you for results—the next time someone asks you how effective you are when you hand out gospel tracts, or when you engage strangers in spiritual conversation, or when (if this applies to you) you herald the gospel on the streets—simply tell them that you are as successful as Jeremiah. For salvation is of the Lord and not a result of the efforts of man. And any effort to proclaim the gospel to the lost, so long as it is done biblically, is a successful effort, regardless of the response of the hearer.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Prayers for the Lost
Don't just pray for the lost, but give your prayers arms & legs & reach out to the lost! Have we stopped caring about people?! Yes we should get into the word, but don't forget what the word tells us to do! My Bible says Jesus came to seek & to save that which was lost. If we are to follow Christ & do what He has said to do, why do we sit in our comfort zone & not reach?! Tell someone why they need the Savior today!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
Someone at the Door
Scripture tells us that God tempts no one. Temptation always comes from the devil. God will test us & allow us to endure the temptation, but the devil does the tempting. How do we overcome it? Try this method. When the devil comes knocking at the door, send Jesus to the door. That is exactly the way to take care of it. God is our refuge and strength, a tested help in times of trouble. –Psalm 46:1
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Tomorrow May Be Too Late
"Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near." Isa. 55:6.
I have learned that when anyone becomes in earnest about his soul's salvation and he begins to seek God, it does not take long for an anxious sinner to meet an anxious Saviour. "Ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart" (Jer. 29:13). Those who seek for Him with all their hearts, find Christ. I am tired and sick of half-heartedness. I don't like a half-hearted man. I don't care for anyone to love me halfheartedly. And the Lord won't have it. If we are going to seek for Him and find Him, we must do it with all our hearts. I believe the reason why so few find Christ is that they do not search for Him with all their hearts; they are not terribly in earnest about their souls' salvation. Everything God has done proves that He is in earnest about the salvation of men's souls. He has proved it by giving His only Son to die for us. The Son of God was in earnest when He died. What is Calvary but a proof of that? And the Lord wants us to be in earnest when it comes to this great question of the soul's salvation. I never saw men seeking Him with all their hearts but they soon found Him. It was quite refreshing one night to find in the inquiry room a young man who thought he was not worth saving, he was so vile and wicked. There was hope for him because he was so desperately in earnest about his soul. He thought he was worthless. He had a sight of himself in God's looking glass and had a very poor opinion of himself. One can always tell when a man is a great way from God for he is always talking about himself, and how good he is. But the moment he sees God by the eye of faith, he is down on his knees, and, like Job, he cries, "Behold, I am vile." All his goodness flees away. The Lord Is Near Us Now When men earnestly seek the Lord and are in earnest about their salvation, they will soon find Christ. You do not need to go up to the heights to bring Him down, or down to the depths to bring Him up, or go off to some distant city to find Him. This day He is near to every one of us. I once heard someone in the inquiry room telling a young person to go home and seek Christ in his closet. I would not dare tell anyone to do that. He might be dead before he got home. If I read my Bible correctly, the man who preaches the Gospel will not tell me to seek Christ tomorrow or an hour hence, but now. He is near to every one of us this minute to save. If the world would just come to God for salvation and be in earnest about it, all would find the Son of God right at the door of their hearts. More Precious Than Precious Jewels Suppose I should say I have lost a very valuable diamond here worth $100,000. I had it in my pocket when I came into the hall, and when I had done preaching, it was not in my pocket but in the hall somewhere. Suppose I should say that anyone who finds it could have it. How earnest you would all become! You would not get very much of my sermon for thinking of the diamond. I do not believe the police could get you out of this hall. The idea of finding a diamond worth $100,000! If I could only find it, it would lift me out of poverty at once, and I would be independent for the rest of my days! Oh, how soon everybody would become terribly in earnest! I would to God I could get men to seek for Christ in the same way. I have something worth more than a diamond to offer you. Is not salvation eternal life worth more than all the diamonds in the world? Hellfire Necessitates a Holy Fire People seem to forget that there is no door out of Hell. If they enter there, they must remain there age after age. Millions on millions of years will roll on, but there is no door, no escape out of Hell. May God wake you up and make you anxious about your soul. People talk about our being earnest and fanatical about our being on fire. Would to God the church were on fire! This world would soon shake to its foundation. May God wake up a slumbering church! What we want you to do is not to shout "amen" and clap your hands. The deepest and quietest waters very often run swiftest. We want you to go right to work; there will be a chance for you to shout by and by. Go and speak to your neighbor and tell him of Christ and Heaven. You need not go far before you will find someone passing down to the darkness of eternal death. Haste to his rescue! What we want to see is people really wishing to become Christians, those who are in dead earnest about it. The idea of hearing one say in answer to the question, "Do you want to become a Christian?" "Well, I would not mind"! My friend, you will never get into the kingdom of God until you change your language. Men should be crying from the depths of their hearts, "I want to be saved!" On the day of Pentecost the cry was, "Men and brethren, what shall we do?" These people were in earnest, and three thousand found Christ when they sought with all their hearts. When men seek Christ as they do wealth, they will soon find Him. To be sure, the world will raise a cry that they are excited. Let cotton go up ten or fifteen percent before tomorrow morning, and you will see how quickly the merchants will get excited! And the papers won't cry it down either. They say it is healthy excitement; commerce is getting on. But when you begin to get excited about your soul and are in earnest, then they raise the cry, "Oh, they are getting excited; most unhealthy state of things." Yet they don't talk nor write about men hastening down to death by the thousands. There is the poor drunkard look at him! Hear the piercing cry going up to Heaven? Yet the church of God slumbers and sleeps. Here and there is an inquirer, yet they go into the inquiry room as if they were half asleep. When will men seek for Christ as they seek for wealth, or as they seek for honor? As I have said, if life is in danger, how terribly in earnest people become. That is right; there is no doubt about that. But why should not they be as much in earnest about their souls' salvation? Why should not every man and woman wake up and seek the Lord with all their hearts? Then, the Lord says, you shall find Him. Seek Christ Earnestly There is a story told of a vessel that was wrecked and was going down at sea. There were not enough lifeboats to take all on board. When the vessel went down, some of the lifeboats were near the vessel. A man swam from the wreck to one of the boats, but they had no room to take him on. When they refused, he seized hold of the boat with his right hand, but they took a sword and cut off his fingers. When he had lost the fingers of his right hand, the man was so earnest to save his life that he seized the boat with his left hand. They cut off the fingers of that hand too. Then the man swam up and seized the boat with his teeth. Now they had compassion on him and relented. They could not cut off his head, so they took him in, and the man's life was saved. Why? Because he was in earnest. Why not seek your soul's salvation as that man sought to save his life? Will there ever be a better time? Will there ever be a better time for the old man whose locks are growing gray, whose eyes are growing dim, and who is hastening to the grave? Is not this the very best time for him? "Seek ye the Lord while he may be found." There is a man in the middle of life. Is this not the best time for him to seek the kingdom of God? Will he ever have a better opportunity? Will Christ ever be more willing to save than now? He says, "Come; for all things are now ready" not "going to be," but "are now ready." There is a young man. My friend, is it not the best time for you to seek the kingdom of God? Seek the Lord; you can find Him now. Can you say that you will find Him tomorrow? Young man, you know not what tomorrow may bring forth. Do you know that every time the clock ticks, a soul passes away? Is not this the best time for you to seek the kingdom of God? My boy, the Lord wants you. Seek first the kingdom of God, and seek Him while He may be found. Multitudes Can Be Saved! About thirty years ago a great revival swept over this land. A great many men stood and shook their heads; they could not believe it was a healthy state of things. The church was not in its normal state! The church from Maine to Minnesota and on to California was astir. As you passed over this great republic, over its Western prairies and mountains, and through its valleys, as you went on by train, passing through its cities and villages, you could see the churches lit up. Men were flocking into the kingdom of God by hundreds. In a year and a half or two years, more than half a million souls were brought in. Men said it was false excitement, wildfire, and it would pass away. But, my friend, it was grace preceding judgment. Little did we know that our nation was soon to be baptized in blood, and that we would soon hear the tramp of a million men, that hundreds and thousands of our young men the flower of our nation would soon be lying in a soldier's grave. But, my friend, it was God calling His people in. He was preparing our nation for a terrible struggle. Supposing you could win the world; what would you do with it? Would it be worth as much as Christ? Let everything else be laid aside, and make up your mind that you will not rest until you have sought and found the Lord Jesus. I never knew anyone to make up his mind to seek Him but that he soon found Him. At Dublin a young man found Christ. He went home and lived so godly and so Christlike a life that two of his brothers could not understand what had wrought the change in him. They left Dublin and followed us to Sheffield, and there found Christ. They were in earnest. But, thanks be to God, Christ can be found now. I firmly believe every reader can find Christ now, if you will seek for Him with all your heart. He says, "Call upon me." Christ Turns No One Away Did you ever hear of anyone calling upon Christ with the whole heart, that Christ didn't answer? Look at that thief on the cross! It may have been that he had a praying mother, and that his mother taught him the 53rd chapter of Isaiah. He had heard Christ pray that wonderful prayer, "Father, forgive them." And as he was hanging on the cross, that text of Scripture came to his mind: "Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near." The truth came flashing into his soul. He said, ïHe is near me now. I will call on Him. Lord, remember me when Thou comest into Thy kingdom.' No sooner had he called than the Lord said, "To day shalt thou be with me in paradise." That was his seeking opportunity, his day. This Is Your Opportunity Now My friend, this is your day now. I believe that every man has his day. You have it just now; why not call upon Him just now? Say, as the poor thief did, "Lord, remember me." That was his golden opportunity, and the Lord heard and answered and saved him. Did not Bartimaeus call on Him while He was near? Christ was passing by Jericho for the last time, and Bartimaeus cried out, "Thou son of David, have mercy on me." And did not the Lord hear his prayer and give him sight? It was a good thing Zacchaeus called or rather the Lord called him; but when the Lord called, he came. May the Lord call you, and may you respond: "Lord, here am I; You have called, and I come." Do you believe the Lord will call a poor sinner and then cast him out? No! His Word stands forever: "Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out" (John 6:37). I was glad when that man I told you of said he felt as if he were too bad. Men are pretty near the kingdom of God when they do not see anything good in themselves. At the Fulton Street prayer meeting a man came in, and this was his story. He had a mother who prayed for him he was a wild, reckless prodigal. Some time after his mother's death he began to be troubled. He thought he ought to get into new company and leave his old companions, so he said he would go and join a secret society. He thought he would join the Odd Fellows. They made inquiry about him, and when they found he was a drunken sailor, they blackballed him. They would not have him. He went to the Freemasons. He had nobody to recommend him. When they inquired and found there was no good in his character, they blackballed him. They didn't want him. One day someone handed him a little notice in the street about the prayer meeting. He went. He heard that Christ had come to save sinners. He believed Him; he took Him at His word; and, in reporting the matter, he said he "came to Christ without a character, and Christ hadn't blackballed him." My friend, that is Christ's way. Are you without a character, with nobody to say a good word for you? I bring you good news. Call on the Son of God, and He will hear you. Let us be in earnest about the salvation of our children and friends. Warn that young lady. Yes, Mother, speak to that daughter. Father, speak to that child. Wife, speak to your unconverted husband. Husband, speak to your unconverted wife. Do not let anyone say, "Nobody cares for my soul." I never saw parents burdened for their children but that the children soon became anxious to be saved. What Are You Going to Do? Before I close, I want to ask you once more: What are you going to do? If the Lord is near, won't you call upon Him? Don't let some scoffer keep you out of the kingdom of God. There may be a scornful look upon his face. Perhaps he makes light of what I say. Don't mind him. Don't look to him, but look right up to God and ask Him to save you. Every true friend, if you could get his advice, would tell you to be saved now. Ask your minister, "Had I better seek the kingdom of God now?" What will he tell you? "By all means, don't put it off another minute." Ask your godly, praying mother, "Is it best to seek the kingdom of God now?" Will she say, "Put it off one week, or a month"? There is not a Christian mother in this land who would say that. I doubt if there is even an unconverted mother whose advice would be to put off becoming a Christian. Ask that praying sister of yours, that praying brother, any friend you have, whether it is not the very best thing you can do. And then cry to Heaven and ask Him who is sitting at the right hand of God, and who loves you more than your father or your mother or anyone on earth who loves you so much that He gave Himself for you ask Him what He will have you do, and hear His voice from the throne, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God." And then shout down to the infernal regions, and ask those down there. What will they say? ïSend someone to my father's house, for I have five brethren, that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place.' Heaven, earth and Hell unite in this one thing: "Seek ye first the kingdom of God." Don't put it off. Call upon Him while He is near. And if you call upon Him in earnest, He will hear that call. You May Call Too Late I have no doubt that those who would not pray when the ark was being built, prayed when the Flood came; but their prayer was not answered. I have no doubt that when Lot went out of Sodom, Sodom cried to God; but it was too late, and God's judgment swept them from the earth. My friend, it is not too late now, but it may be at twelve o'clock tonight. I cannot find any place in the Bible where it says you may call tomorrow. I am not justified in saying that. "Behold, NOW is the accepted time; behold, NOW is the day of salvation." Those men of Jerusalem, what a golden opportunity they had with Christ in their midst! We see the Son of God weeping over Jerusalem, His heart bursting with grief for the city as He cried, 'O Jerusalem, Jerusalem! Thou that stonest the prophets, how often would I have gathered thee as a hen gathereth her brood, but ye would not.' He could look down forty years and see Titus coming with his army and besieging that city. They called upon God then, but it was too late, and eleven hundred thousand people perished. Now Is the Time to Be Saved Now is a time of mercy. It may be I am talking to someone whose days of grace may be few, to someone who may be snatched away very soon, who may never hear another gospel sermon, who may be hearing the last call. My friend, be wise! Make up your mind that you will seek the kingdom of God now. "Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation." Christ is inviting you to come: "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Oh, may we all find rest in Christ now! Do not let anything divert your mind, but make up your mind this hour that you will settle this great question of eternity.
I have learned that when anyone becomes in earnest about his soul's salvation and he begins to seek God, it does not take long for an anxious sinner to meet an anxious Saviour. "Ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart" (Jer. 29:13). Those who seek for Him with all their hearts, find Christ. I am tired and sick of half-heartedness. I don't like a half-hearted man. I don't care for anyone to love me halfheartedly. And the Lord won't have it. If we are going to seek for Him and find Him, we must do it with all our hearts. I believe the reason why so few find Christ is that they do not search for Him with all their hearts; they are not terribly in earnest about their souls' salvation. Everything God has done proves that He is in earnest about the salvation of men's souls. He has proved it by giving His only Son to die for us. The Son of God was in earnest when He died. What is Calvary but a proof of that? And the Lord wants us to be in earnest when it comes to this great question of the soul's salvation. I never saw men seeking Him with all their hearts but they soon found Him. It was quite refreshing one night to find in the inquiry room a young man who thought he was not worth saving, he was so vile and wicked. There was hope for him because he was so desperately in earnest about his soul. He thought he was worthless. He had a sight of himself in God's looking glass and had a very poor opinion of himself. One can always tell when a man is a great way from God for he is always talking about himself, and how good he is. But the moment he sees God by the eye of faith, he is down on his knees, and, like Job, he cries, "Behold, I am vile." All his goodness flees away. The Lord Is Near Us Now When men earnestly seek the Lord and are in earnest about their salvation, they will soon find Christ. You do not need to go up to the heights to bring Him down, or down to the depths to bring Him up, or go off to some distant city to find Him. This day He is near to every one of us. I once heard someone in the inquiry room telling a young person to go home and seek Christ in his closet. I would not dare tell anyone to do that. He might be dead before he got home. If I read my Bible correctly, the man who preaches the Gospel will not tell me to seek Christ tomorrow or an hour hence, but now. He is near to every one of us this minute to save. If the world would just come to God for salvation and be in earnest about it, all would find the Son of God right at the door of their hearts. More Precious Than Precious Jewels Suppose I should say I have lost a very valuable diamond here worth $100,000. I had it in my pocket when I came into the hall, and when I had done preaching, it was not in my pocket but in the hall somewhere. Suppose I should say that anyone who finds it could have it. How earnest you would all become! You would not get very much of my sermon for thinking of the diamond. I do not believe the police could get you out of this hall. The idea of finding a diamond worth $100,000! If I could only find it, it would lift me out of poverty at once, and I would be independent for the rest of my days! Oh, how soon everybody would become terribly in earnest! I would to God I could get men to seek for Christ in the same way. I have something worth more than a diamond to offer you. Is not salvation eternal life worth more than all the diamonds in the world? Hellfire Necessitates a Holy Fire People seem to forget that there is no door out of Hell. If they enter there, they must remain there age after age. Millions on millions of years will roll on, but there is no door, no escape out of Hell. May God wake you up and make you anxious about your soul. People talk about our being earnest and fanatical about our being on fire. Would to God the church were on fire! This world would soon shake to its foundation. May God wake up a slumbering church! What we want you to do is not to shout "amen" and clap your hands. The deepest and quietest waters very often run swiftest. We want you to go right to work; there will be a chance for you to shout by and by. Go and speak to your neighbor and tell him of Christ and Heaven. You need not go far before you will find someone passing down to the darkness of eternal death. Haste to his rescue! What we want to see is people really wishing to become Christians, those who are in dead earnest about it. The idea of hearing one say in answer to the question, "Do you want to become a Christian?" "Well, I would not mind"! My friend, you will never get into the kingdom of God until you change your language. Men should be crying from the depths of their hearts, "I want to be saved!" On the day of Pentecost the cry was, "Men and brethren, what shall we do?" These people were in earnest, and three thousand found Christ when they sought with all their hearts. When men seek Christ as they do wealth, they will soon find Him. To be sure, the world will raise a cry that they are excited. Let cotton go up ten or fifteen percent before tomorrow morning, and you will see how quickly the merchants will get excited! And the papers won't cry it down either. They say it is healthy excitement; commerce is getting on. But when you begin to get excited about your soul and are in earnest, then they raise the cry, "Oh, they are getting excited; most unhealthy state of things." Yet they don't talk nor write about men hastening down to death by the thousands. There is the poor drunkard look at him! Hear the piercing cry going up to Heaven? Yet the church of God slumbers and sleeps. Here and there is an inquirer, yet they go into the inquiry room as if they were half asleep. When will men seek for Christ as they seek for wealth, or as they seek for honor? As I have said, if life is in danger, how terribly in earnest people become. That is right; there is no doubt about that. But why should not they be as much in earnest about their souls' salvation? Why should not every man and woman wake up and seek the Lord with all their hearts? Then, the Lord says, you shall find Him. Seek Christ Earnestly There is a story told of a vessel that was wrecked and was going down at sea. There were not enough lifeboats to take all on board. When the vessel went down, some of the lifeboats were near the vessel. A man swam from the wreck to one of the boats, but they had no room to take him on. When they refused, he seized hold of the boat with his right hand, but they took a sword and cut off his fingers. When he had lost the fingers of his right hand, the man was so earnest to save his life that he seized the boat with his left hand. They cut off the fingers of that hand too. Then the man swam up and seized the boat with his teeth. Now they had compassion on him and relented. They could not cut off his head, so they took him in, and the man's life was saved. Why? Because he was in earnest. Why not seek your soul's salvation as that man sought to save his life? Will there ever be a better time? Will there ever be a better time for the old man whose locks are growing gray, whose eyes are growing dim, and who is hastening to the grave? Is not this the very best time for him? "Seek ye the Lord while he may be found." There is a man in the middle of life. Is this not the best time for him to seek the kingdom of God? Will he ever have a better opportunity? Will Christ ever be more willing to save than now? He says, "Come; for all things are now ready" not "going to be," but "are now ready." There is a young man. My friend, is it not the best time for you to seek the kingdom of God? Seek the Lord; you can find Him now. Can you say that you will find Him tomorrow? Young man, you know not what tomorrow may bring forth. Do you know that every time the clock ticks, a soul passes away? Is not this the best time for you to seek the kingdom of God? My boy, the Lord wants you. Seek first the kingdom of God, and seek Him while He may be found. Multitudes Can Be Saved! About thirty years ago a great revival swept over this land. A great many men stood and shook their heads; they could not believe it was a healthy state of things. The church was not in its normal state! The church from Maine to Minnesota and on to California was astir. As you passed over this great republic, over its Western prairies and mountains, and through its valleys, as you went on by train, passing through its cities and villages, you could see the churches lit up. Men were flocking into the kingdom of God by hundreds. In a year and a half or two years, more than half a million souls were brought in. Men said it was false excitement, wildfire, and it would pass away. But, my friend, it was grace preceding judgment. Little did we know that our nation was soon to be baptized in blood, and that we would soon hear the tramp of a million men, that hundreds and thousands of our young men the flower of our nation would soon be lying in a soldier's grave. But, my friend, it was God calling His people in. He was preparing our nation for a terrible struggle. Supposing you could win the world; what would you do with it? Would it be worth as much as Christ? Let everything else be laid aside, and make up your mind that you will not rest until you have sought and found the Lord Jesus. I never knew anyone to make up his mind to seek Him but that he soon found Him. At Dublin a young man found Christ. He went home and lived so godly and so Christlike a life that two of his brothers could not understand what had wrought the change in him. They left Dublin and followed us to Sheffield, and there found Christ. They were in earnest. But, thanks be to God, Christ can be found now. I firmly believe every reader can find Christ now, if you will seek for Him with all your heart. He says, "Call upon me." Christ Turns No One Away Did you ever hear of anyone calling upon Christ with the whole heart, that Christ didn't answer? Look at that thief on the cross! It may have been that he had a praying mother, and that his mother taught him the 53rd chapter of Isaiah. He had heard Christ pray that wonderful prayer, "Father, forgive them." And as he was hanging on the cross, that text of Scripture came to his mind: "Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near." The truth came flashing into his soul. He said, ïHe is near me now. I will call on Him. Lord, remember me when Thou comest into Thy kingdom.' No sooner had he called than the Lord said, "To day shalt thou be with me in paradise." That was his seeking opportunity, his day. This Is Your Opportunity Now My friend, this is your day now. I believe that every man has his day. You have it just now; why not call upon Him just now? Say, as the poor thief did, "Lord, remember me." That was his golden opportunity, and the Lord heard and answered and saved him. Did not Bartimaeus call on Him while He was near? Christ was passing by Jericho for the last time, and Bartimaeus cried out, "Thou son of David, have mercy on me." And did not the Lord hear his prayer and give him sight? It was a good thing Zacchaeus called or rather the Lord called him; but when the Lord called, he came. May the Lord call you, and may you respond: "Lord, here am I; You have called, and I come." Do you believe the Lord will call a poor sinner and then cast him out? No! His Word stands forever: "Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out" (John 6:37). I was glad when that man I told you of said he felt as if he were too bad. Men are pretty near the kingdom of God when they do not see anything good in themselves. At the Fulton Street prayer meeting a man came in, and this was his story. He had a mother who prayed for him he was a wild, reckless prodigal. Some time after his mother's death he began to be troubled. He thought he ought to get into new company and leave his old companions, so he said he would go and join a secret society. He thought he would join the Odd Fellows. They made inquiry about him, and when they found he was a drunken sailor, they blackballed him. They would not have him. He went to the Freemasons. He had nobody to recommend him. When they inquired and found there was no good in his character, they blackballed him. They didn't want him. One day someone handed him a little notice in the street about the prayer meeting. He went. He heard that Christ had come to save sinners. He believed Him; he took Him at His word; and, in reporting the matter, he said he "came to Christ without a character, and Christ hadn't blackballed him." My friend, that is Christ's way. Are you without a character, with nobody to say a good word for you? I bring you good news. Call on the Son of God, and He will hear you. Let us be in earnest about the salvation of our children and friends. Warn that young lady. Yes, Mother, speak to that daughter. Father, speak to that child. Wife, speak to your unconverted husband. Husband, speak to your unconverted wife. Do not let anyone say, "Nobody cares for my soul." I never saw parents burdened for their children but that the children soon became anxious to be saved. What Are You Going to Do? Before I close, I want to ask you once more: What are you going to do? If the Lord is near, won't you call upon Him? Don't let some scoffer keep you out of the kingdom of God. There may be a scornful look upon his face. Perhaps he makes light of what I say. Don't mind him. Don't look to him, but look right up to God and ask Him to save you. Every true friend, if you could get his advice, would tell you to be saved now. Ask your minister, "Had I better seek the kingdom of God now?" What will he tell you? "By all means, don't put it off another minute." Ask your godly, praying mother, "Is it best to seek the kingdom of God now?" Will she say, "Put it off one week, or a month"? There is not a Christian mother in this land who would say that. I doubt if there is even an unconverted mother whose advice would be to put off becoming a Christian. Ask that praying sister of yours, that praying brother, any friend you have, whether it is not the very best thing you can do. And then cry to Heaven and ask Him who is sitting at the right hand of God, and who loves you more than your father or your mother or anyone on earth who loves you so much that He gave Himself for you ask Him what He will have you do, and hear His voice from the throne, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God." And then shout down to the infernal regions, and ask those down there. What will they say? ïSend someone to my father's house, for I have five brethren, that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place.' Heaven, earth and Hell unite in this one thing: "Seek ye first the kingdom of God." Don't put it off. Call upon Him while He is near. And if you call upon Him in earnest, He will hear that call. You May Call Too Late I have no doubt that those who would not pray when the ark was being built, prayed when the Flood came; but their prayer was not answered. I have no doubt that when Lot went out of Sodom, Sodom cried to God; but it was too late, and God's judgment swept them from the earth. My friend, it is not too late now, but it may be at twelve o'clock tonight. I cannot find any place in the Bible where it says you may call tomorrow. I am not justified in saying that. "Behold, NOW is the accepted time; behold, NOW is the day of salvation." Those men of Jerusalem, what a golden opportunity they had with Christ in their midst! We see the Son of God weeping over Jerusalem, His heart bursting with grief for the city as He cried, 'O Jerusalem, Jerusalem! Thou that stonest the prophets, how often would I have gathered thee as a hen gathereth her brood, but ye would not.' He could look down forty years and see Titus coming with his army and besieging that city. They called upon God then, but it was too late, and eleven hundred thousand people perished. Now Is the Time to Be Saved Now is a time of mercy. It may be I am talking to someone whose days of grace may be few, to someone who may be snatched away very soon, who may never hear another gospel sermon, who may be hearing the last call. My friend, be wise! Make up your mind that you will seek the kingdom of God now. "Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation." Christ is inviting you to come: "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Oh, may we all find rest in Christ now! Do not let anything divert your mind, but make up your mind this hour that you will settle this great question of eternity.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Open Air Preaching Practice
This may seem silly, but this is Evangelist Michael Surber practicing Open Air Preaching in his backyard. We should go over what we want to say during an Open Air so that it becomes first nature. Most of would worry if we got up to Open Air Preach and we would have a brain fart if you will. We would run out of words to say. Well the best tip I have for that is keep John 3:16 in the back of your mind and if you feel like you are running dry, just quote it and get down. No big deal. God is going to give you the words that He needs you to say. You just need to be available for Him to use you. That's what we do here at Walking in the Way. We just try to make ourselves available for whomever God puts in our path. Thanks for stopping by and watching.
God Bless you,
Walking in the Way
Open Air Preaching Practice
This is a video of Evangelist Michael Surber practicing open air preaching. If you want to share your faith, practice. Go over it until it is first nature. The more you do, the easier it will become to get over those fears of sharing your faith. Thanks for watch. Please think about this.
God Bless,
Walking in the Way
Saturday, July 9, 2011
The Bravehearted Gospel

Many today have inherited a faith that has no real life or power. Instead of zeal there is apathy. Instead of courage there is timidity. And instead of confidence there is paralyzing doubt.
This is why the world wants to flush Christianity down the drain. We speak wonderful things, but live horrible lives. Our lack of boldness in sharing the gospel shows a lack of our faith in the power of the gospel. In the book of Acts, take a look at Stephen. He was the first to be martyred for the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Bible says as he died, he saw Jesus 'standing' at the right hand of God. 'Standing'! Stephen got a standing ovation from the Lord himself because of his boldness and faithfulness in proclaiming the gospel. Why should we not be the same? Why should we not be bold and tell people about Jesus? Why the need the Savior?! Don't be discouraged if you don't have thousands come to Christ like Peter did. One day He will say "Well done my good and faithful servant". Not "Well done my good and successful servant". I dare you to share your faith today! What's the worst that could happen, you might get yelled at? What's the worst case for those who die without Christ. Eternity in Hell! It was Charles Spurgeon who said, "If you have no desire to see others saved, then your not saved yourself. You can be sure of that." Please think about this. Thanks for stopping by.
God Bless,
Walking in the Way
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Monday, July 4, 2011
Happy Fourth of July!
Happy 4th of July everyone! Hope you are enjoying your weekend watching fireworks, grilling out, or just being with friends and loved ones. On Independence Day we should be on our knees thanking God for all He has given us. The United States is a country in which everyone has an equal opportunity. Thank God for a country where there is not caste or class to keep a man from going to the top. If a man has a will to work and study, he can go ahead regardless of his background. In addition, thank God, He has given us freedom of religion. Whatever you may believe, no one can close your church because your religion does not coincide with his. A few people meetng in a small, out-of-the-way shack, worshiping God as they believe in Him, have the same right to religious freedom as the people who worship God in the great cathedrals on the avenues of our greatest cities. Thank you God, for allowing us to live in the greatest, grandest, and most free land the world has ever known.
"Fear God and honor the government." -1 Peter 2:17
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Using the Law in Witnessing
No, I wasn't under arrest, but yes those are real pink handcuffs. I had an officer friend of my put them on me and took this photo so I could make this point.
If a police officer busted into your home and said, "You're under arrest! You're going to prison for a very long time!" This doesn't make any sense. You don't believe you've done anything against the law and the officer didn't tell you why they were arresting you. You would probably be offended. But if the officer said, "We found those pot plants behind your shed, and a dead body in your basement. You are a criminal and are going to prison." This would seem outlandish, but you now at least understand the charges. You now know that the law is doing it's job whether you agree or disagree.
That is why we should use the law (Ten Commandments) when we witness of our faith. Like Paul said, "I had not known sin, but by the law." It's the law that brings the knowledge of sin so that judgement at least makes sense. You know for the longest time I thought "Thou shall not bare false witness", meant lying on the stand during a trial. It was opening the divine law that made a path for grace. It was the law that acts as a schoolmaster to led sinners to Christ. That is certainly how it was for me.
So if I just told you about grace, telling you Jesus died on the cross for you. It seems like foolishness. The things of God are foolishness to those who are perishing. I believe it was D. L. Moody that said, "Preach 90% law and 10% grace." This may seem a little harsh, but if I was a doctor and was telling you about a terminal disease you have and pointing out all the signs that you are showing, how long would I really have to talk to you about the cure that I have for you? Please think about this. Thanks for stopping by.
God Bless,
Walking in the Way
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