If you knew that a certain kind of spring water was not pure and healthy as it was advertised to be, but was actually contaminated by a poisonous mold what would your response be to those who were contemplating drinking it?
Would you not warn them explaining the danger and the sure consequence that will follow if they continue? Would you first think of ways you can warn them without offending them? No, there’s no time for that. They are in danger of death and you know the only way they can get out of that danger – don’t drink the water!
People gulp down sin every day and live for themselves, yet consider themselves to be good people who God will forgive in the end. It is a lie. Lost people do not see the seriousness of their sin and the holiness of God. Many people agree that they are a sinner but they don’t understand what sin is.
“Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness.” 1 John 3:4
As I was taking a walk this morning around a lake, I started chatting with a woman walking her dog. We first talked about the weather and the cooler temperatures coming this weekend and then I said to her, “Hey, good news! Jesus Christ is risen!!” Her smile immediately disappeared and she said, “That’s not for me. Im a good person. I don’t need your Jesus.”
Talk about a good morning greeting!
The two of us and her dog walked a ways around the lake. I explained to her what sin is using the 10 Commandments and shared with her how God must deal with sin being that He is holy and just. Sin will be punished wherever it is found. I then told her what God did for us by becoming a man, Jesus of Nazareth. He lived a perfect life and went to the cross and took our sins upon Himself. The fierce wrath of God the Father was poured out on Him. He died and three days later rose from the dead. Jesus paid the price for our sin in His own life’s blood! I told her that if she would humble herself recognizing the sinful condition of her heart and cry out to God for forgiveness, He will have mercy on her as He has had on me. She continued to take refuge in her good works, but I know she will be thinking about this for a while.
We must faithfully share the biblical Gospel. If all we tell people is that God loves them and has a wonderful plan for their lives, they will not understand they are in danger of God’s Judgement and they will not come to a place of genuine repentance.
“God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” James 4:6
When you woke up this morning, you did not see the stars in the sky. Why? Because you can only see those starts against the black backdrop of the night sky. Similarly, the Good News will only make sense to a person when it is presented against the black backdrop of their sin and depravity. It is truly GOOD NEWS!
Hallelujah for the blood of the Lamb that was slain! Go share your faith while you still have time!
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